
Strategist: ETH/BTC exchange rate may have bottomed out, and breaking through this month's high will drive a trend reversal

LMAX Group market strategist Joel Kruger said that the current Ethereum price trend is showing signs that it may be ending the multi-year decline compared to Bitcoin. "There are indications that Ethereum may finally be bottoming out after a long-term downtrend against Bitcoin," Kruger said in a market note on Monday. "We believe it is important to keep a close eye on the current monthly highs for the ETH/BTC exchange rate, and a breakout above and above the current monthly highs will help boost ...

2025-02-18 01:11:46

LMAX Group 市场策略师 Joel Kruger 表示,当前的以太坊价格走势呈现出可能是结束相较于比特币多年来下滑的迹象。 Kruger 在周一的市场报告中表示:“有迹象表明,以太坊可能终于要在较比特币的长期下行趋势之后触底。我们认为,密切关注当前 ETH/BTC 汇率的月度高点非常重要,如果突破并高于目前的月度最高点,将有助于推动趋势反转的前景。”

2025-02-18 01:11:46
Analyst: ETH is expected to rebound from oversold levels to $3,000

"ETH appears to be trying to build some bullish momentum and could eventually rally above $3,000," said Joel Kruger, strategist at LMAX, in a note on Tuesday. "Sentiment towards the world's second-largest crypto asset is rising again as many medium- to long-term players step in to take advantage of the recent decline." In addition, cryptocurrency analysis firm 10x Research pointed out in a report that Ethereum's Relative Strength Index (RSI), a key technical indicator that measures momentum, fel...

2025-02-11 21:57:52
分析师:ETH 有望从超卖水平反弹至 3000 美元

LMAX 策略师Joel Kruger在周二的一份报告中表示:“ETH 似乎正试图建立一些看涨势头,并可能最终反弹至 3,000 美元以上。随着许多中长期参与者介入以利用近期的下跌,人们对全球第二大加密资产的情绪再次上升。” 另外,加密货币分析公司 10x Research 在一份报告中指出,以太币的相对强弱指数 (RSI)(衡量动量的关键技术指标)跌至 35% 附近,这预示...

2025-02-11 21:57:52
Opinion: If the poor performance of US stocks evolves into a broader correction, cryptocurrencies could decline further

In today's market update, LMAX Group strategist Joel Kruger said that if the poor performance of U.S. stocks evolves into a broader correction, cryptocurrencies could fall further. "Right now, we believe the biggest risk to crypto assets is that the US stock market is heavily overbought and may be on the verge of crashing. This correlation is by no means absolute, but there is evidence that a sharp stock market correction could weigh on crypto assets, at least temporarily," the analysts said. Th...

2024-07-11 17:44:57

LMAX Group策略师Joel Kruger在今日的市场更新中表示,如果美国股市的糟糕表现演变为更广泛的调整,加密货币可能会进一步下跌。 分析师表示:“目前,我们认为加密资产面临的最大风险是,美国股市严重超买,可能即将崩盘,这种相关性绝不是绝对的,但有证据表明,股市大幅回调可能会对加密资产造成压力,至少暂时如此”。 数据显示,纽约午盘时,纳斯...

2024-07-11 17:44:57

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