A new round of "productive" talks between the UAE and Saudi Arabia focused on energy and infrastructure security. Meanwhile, representatives from Russia and the United States will hold talks on Monday. The United States hopes to reach a ceasefire agreement between Russia and Ukraine by April 20. Click to view...
莱特币基金会在X平台发文披露2025年迄今的运营情况,主要包括:哈希率达到2.7 PH/s的历史新高、交易量超过1500万笔、多只Litecoin ETF即将面世。
According to the official announcement, Bithumb announced that it plans to suspend the Korean won deposit and withdrawal business on March 24 due to the maintenance of the bank transfer system. The planned suspension time is: 2025.3.24. (Monday) 00:30 KST~ 2025.3.24. (Monday) 11:00 KST.
据官方公告,Bithumb 宣布因银行转账系统维护拟于 3 月 24 日暂停韩元存取款业务,计划暂停时间:2025. 3. 24. (周一) 00:30 KST ~ 2025. 3. 24. (周一) 11:00 KST。
On March 23rd, Slow Mist founder Cosine posted on social media, "Using the GitHub Actions CI/CD mechanism to attack Coinbase in the supply chain, fortunately it did not continue to succeed, otherwise the next security incident to be exposed would be against Coinbase. Supply chain attack path on GitHub: reviewdog/action-settings - > tj-actions/changed-files - > coinbase/agentkit - > steal GitHub personal access tokens (PAT), Cloud as a Service related keys, etc. Cosine suggests that if enterprise...
3月23日消息,慢雾创始人余弦在社交媒体上发文表示,「利用GitHub Actions CI/CD机制供应链攻击Coinbase,所幸没有继续成功,否则下一个被爆的安全事件就是针对Coinbase了。在GitHub上的供应链攻击路径:reviewdog/action-设置-> tj-actions/changed-files -> coinbase/agentkit ->窃取GitHub个人访问令牌 (PAT)、云服务有关密钥等。余弦建议,如果企业用到reviewdog或tj-actions,应该进行自查。」
According to on-chain analyst @ali_charts, 60.52% of bitcoin futures traders on the Binance platform are betting that the price of bitcoin will rise.
On March 23rd, trader Eugene posted a graphic on his personal channel saying that he believes that the current market has entered the fifth stage in the chart (long losses, currency price consolidation, volume and volatility shrinking). At this stage, some strong counterfeit products have reached the bottom, but still uncertain about the price of most assets.
The Pakistani government is exploring ways to attract bitcoin mining operators to consume excess electricity and reduce the financial burden on the power sector. The country's energy ministry has consulted with relevant parties to design special electricity tariffs for emerging industries such as cryptocurrency mining.
3月22日消息,据官方公告,韩国加密交易所 Bithumb 将上线 Across Protocol(ACX)韩元交易对,预计于 3 月 22 日下午 5 点开放交易。
In a new interview with Crypto In America, White House digital asset policy advisor Bo Hines said that the Trump administration will explore innovative ways to fund the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve (SBR) to ensure that it does not increase the burden on American taxpayers, while the United States can use the profits generated by its gold reserves to fund its strategic bitcoin reserves. However, analysts believe that Bo Hines' rhetoric is aimed at reassuring Americans, as a recent survey revealed th...
Jupiter Lianchuang Meow announced in a post on the X platform that the number of sandwich attacks on the platform in the past 7 days is 0, and in addition to RTSE, it is currently optimizing backend transactions, including optimizing transaction rates (currently Jupiter is free - up to 0.1%, other platforms are 0.7% -1%), slippage settings, and secure transaction landing.