
Class A shares Yihuatong resumption of trading, the company plans to purchase 100% equity of Dingzhou Xuyang Hydrogen Energy.

Class A shares Yihuatong resumption of trading, the company plans to purchase 100% equity of Dingzhou Xuyang Hydrogen Energy.

2025-03-13 01:27:10

Sci-Hub 创始人 Alexandra 在 Sci-Hub 官方电报频道称其即将发布 Sci-Net。 据悉,Sci-Net 是一个全新的平台,任何人都可以上传科学论文,并获得 SCIHUB 代币奖励。Sci-Net 将打造一个互助网络,让知识共享得到回报。

2025-03-01 06:52:28
Hong Kong Securities Supervision Commission: Virtual Asset Development Roadmap to be Announced This Month

Ip Chi Heng, Executive Director of the Intermediaries Department of the Hong Kong Securities Supervision Commission, is expected to announce the virtual asset development roadmap within this month. In addition to explaining the development principles, the roadmap will also mention the short-term expectations of the Securities Supervision Commission and the scope of market research, as well as the areas that platform participants hope to optimize. In addition, the focus of the virtual asset roadm...

2025-02-18 01:02:31
Most of the shares rose, Zhihu (02390.HK) rose more than 18%, Tencent Music (01698.HK) rose more than 7%, XPeng Motors (09868.HK) rose more than 4%, Huazhu Hotel Group (01179.HK) rose more than 3%, Autohome (02518.HK) rose more than 2%.

Most of the shares rose, Zhihu (02390.HK) rose more than 18%, Tencent Music (01698.HK) rose more than 7%, XPeng Motors (09868.HK) rose more than 4%, Huazhu Hotel Group (01179.HK) rose more than 3%, Autohome (02518.HK) rose more than 2%.

2025-02-17 01:57:17
SCAICH, the first product in the AI direction of SciHub community, starts public beta

On February 17th, SCAICH, the first product in the AI direction of the SciHub community, began public testing. It is reported that SCAICH is an AI-based research paper search engine that can search 140 million papers in Sci-Hub and open journals. SCAICH uses SCAI, a self-developed scientific AI agents framework, jointly developed by the SciHub community and WTF Academy. The community said that the project will be open-sourced in the future.

2025-02-17 00:02:24

2 月 17 日消息,SciHub 社区 AI 方向首个产品 SCAICH 开始公测。 据悉,SCAICH 是一个基于 AI 的科研论文搜索引擎,可以搜索 Sci-Hub 和开放期刊上的 1.4 亿篇论文。SCAICH 使用自研的科学 AI agents 框架 SCAI,由 SciHub 社区和 WTF Academy 联合研发,社区表示该项目将在未来实现开源。

2025-02-17 00:02:24
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: We will eliminate Hamas' military capabilities.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: We will eliminate Hamas' military capabilities.

2025-02-16 11:55:03
Lawyer: Pi Network or suspected of pyramid scheme crimes

According to an analysis by lawyer Liu Zhengyao of Zhiheng (Shanghai) Law Firm, after Pi Network is launched on the exchange to open the secondary market for trading, its promotion model may constitute a pyramid scheme crime as defined by Chinese criminal law. According to the analysis, Pi Network currently has no physical project support and uses an invitation system to form a hierarchical relationship. Invitees can obtain benefits such as mining acceleration by going offline. It is worth notin...

2025-02-13 16:02:52
Bitcoin mining company Digihost reached a $5.35 million private subscription financing agreement

Nasdaq-listed bitcoin miner Digihost announced that it has reached a $5.35 million private placement financing agreement with some investors (details of the investors have not been disclosed yet). The private placement is subject to all necessary corporate and regulatory approvals and is expected to be completed around February 5, 2025. Digihost, listed on Nasdaq in 2021, mined 35 BTC in December last year. As of December 31, 2024, the company held cash. BTC and cash deposits are approximately $...

2025-02-02 02:30:36


2025-02-02 02:30:36
Bank of America CEO: We already have hundreds of blockchain patents, and we know how to enter the field

In an interview with CNBC at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Brian Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America (BoA), said that if proper regulation makes crypto payments "a reality," then "the banking system will be tough on transactions." In this case, crypto transactions would simply be seen as another payment type alongside credit cards, debit cards, and Apple Pay., Brian Moynihan said: "We already have hundreds of blockchain patents...

2025-01-21 17:30:19

美国银行(BoA)首席执行官Brian Moynihan在瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛接受CNBC采访时表示,如果适当的监管让加密支付“成为现实”,那么“银行系统将在交易方面采取强硬措施”。 在这种情况下,加密交易将被简单地视为与信用卡、借记卡和 Apple Pay 并列的另一种支付类型。,Brian Moynihan说:“我们已经拥有数百项区块链专利...

2025-01-21 17:30:19
SCIHUB Community Development Scientific AI Agents Architecture SCAI

On January 13, the SCIHUB community developed a new AIAgents architecture SCAI (SCientific AI), which aims to provide researchers with more accurate and reliable tools. SCAI's goal is to solve the "hallucination" phenomenon in LLM answering scientific questions, so that AI can better serve scientific research and provide researchers with more accurate and reliable tools.

2025-01-13 05:44:52
SCIHUB社区开发科学AI Agents架构SCAI

1月13日消息,SCIHUB社区开发新AIAgents架构SCAI(SCientific AI),旨在为科研工作者提供更精准可靠工具SCAI的目标是解决LLM在回答科学问题中的“幻觉”现象(Hallucination),让AI更好地服务科学研究,为科研工作者提供更精准可靠的工具。

2025-01-13 05:44:52
Ronin and Virtuals Protocol launched JAIHOZ tokens, with community airdrops accounting for about 72.5%.

Ronin partnered with Virtuals Protocol to bring AI agents and JAIHOZ tokens to Web3 games. Virtuals Protocol launched Jaihoz, an AI agent inspired by Sky Mavis co-founder Jeffrey Zirlin. JAIHOZ tokens were released on Ronin and Base chains with a supply of 1 billion tokens. According to its token economics, contributor distribution accounted for 5%, liquidity pool and reserve accounted for 22.5%, and Ronin and Virtual community airdrops accounted for 72.5%.

2025-01-12 01:44:16

7x24 快讯

04:02 2025-03-23
04:02 2025-03-23
金色午报 | 3月23日午间重要动态一览
7:00-12:00关键词:IMF、Bitdeer、AUCTION 1.分析:美国政府2025年购买比特币的可能性为30%; 2.IMF首次将比特币等数字资产纳入全球经济报告框架; 3.知情人士:美乌代表团将于23日举行首次停火谈判会议; 4.Bitdeer比特币持仓总量升至1116枚,单周增持约26枚BTC; 5.分析:AUCTION今晨下跌起源于项目方地址将35.9万枚转至多家CEX; 6.美国司法部追回一桩加密货币诈骗案的700...
03:59 2025-03-23
3月23日消息,据 CrowFund Insider 报道,新加坡数字资产基础设施提供商 BetterX 完成230万新元(约170万美元)Pre-A轮融资。本轮融资将用于支持其在亚洲、中东和美国的业务扩张。 新投资方包括 Grand Prix Capital、Aument Capital 以及 HBAR Foundation 的 Sabrina Tachdjian、Crypto Knights 的 Riaz Mehta 等知名天使投资人。现有投资方 Aura Group、Tibra 联合创始人 Kinsey Cotton 等继续跟投。
03:50 2025-03-23
NFT游戏项目Game of Silks或面临集体诉讼,律所Rosen Law拟推动下月提交法院动议
律所Rosen Law Firm宣布将代表Game of Silks NFT购买者提起集体诉讼,后者是一款由NFT驱动的梦幻赛马游戏项目,曾于2023年完成500万美元融资(总融资额超1000万美元),但该项目从未向美SEC提交注册声明,因此其NFT或违反《证券法》并涉嫌重大虚假陈述。据悉,Rosen Law Firm透露首席原告计划在4月25日之前向法院提出动议。
03:50 2025-03-23
“链上侦探”ZachXBT在X平台回应社区称,对Pulsechain调查不感兴趣,因为该社区没有优先考虑构建分析工具或支付集成费用,如果没有Etherscan区块浏览器产品,EVM 链上的区块链分析将非常困难;如果没有Chainalysis或TRM集成,复杂的调查将需要10倍的工作量;如果没有Arkham/Nansen集成,普通交易者几乎没有办法阅读/解读交易活动。 此前消息,国际刑警组织(Interpol)已代表芬兰向其成员国发出“红色...
03:47 2025-03-23
贝莱德首席执行官 Larry Fink 表示,比特币价格预计可涨至 50 至 70 万美元。
02:55 2025-03-23
据链上分析师余烬监测,“从币安提出 200 万枚 AUCTION 巨鲸/机构”过去 15 分钟再次将 30 万枚 AUCTION 转进币安,价值约合 856 万美元。 今日他们已经将 105 万枚 AUCTION (价值约合 3781 万美元)转进币安,链上地址持有的 AUCTION 只有 45 万枚(价值约合 1284 美元)。
02:55 2025-03-23
02:52 2025-03-23
美国司法部(DOJ)于 3 月 21 日宣布,一项加密货币投资欺诈计划的 700 万美元收益已被追回,现在已开始邀请受害者提交请愿书,将资金汇回。当局表示:“这些欺诈网站模仿合法的加密货币投资平台,但通过空壳公司名义开设的 75 多个银行账户将受害者的资金汇给作案者。”受害者被误导...
02:52 2025-03-23
VanEck 数字资产研究总监 Matthew Sigel 在 X 平台发文称,彭博法律分析师认为联邦政府今年购买比特币的可能性为 30%。其认为特朗普不会将政治资本投入到立法中,因为如果他愿意的话,可以通过交易所稳定基金(ESF)单方面实现这一目标。
02:49 2025-03-23
国际货币基金组织(IMF)3 月 20 日发布第七版《国际收支手册》(BPM7),首次将加密货币等数字资产纳入全球经济报告框架,为该手册自 2009 年以来的首次更新。根据新框架,数字资产分为可替代代币和不可替代代币,并根据其是否承担相关负债进一步分类: -比特币等无背书资产被归类为非生产性非金融资产,归类为资本账户; -...
02:03 2025-03-23
据NBC新闻,今天,数百名抗议者聚集在位于曼哈顿米特帕金区的特斯拉展厅外,作为“打倒特斯拉”运动的一部分。几周以来,包括Action Network、People Over Profits和Disruption Project在内的团体组织了抗议活动,谴责特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克及其参与联邦政府的行为。近期,除了全国各地的和平抗议活动外,至少有80起特斯拉汽车遭到破坏或纵火的报道成为美国和加拿大的头...