
Bill Hwang, the protagonist of the Blast of the Century, was found guilty of causing Wall Street to lose billions of dollars

Bill Hwang, founder of Archegos Asset Management, was indicted on criminal charges stemming from his company's 2021 bankruptcy at the end of a two-month trial on Wednesday in which a US jury convicted him and co-defendant Patrick Halligan, chief financial officer. Bill Hwang, 60, was found guilty on one count of conspiracy to defraud, three counts of fraud and seven counts of market manipulation.

2024-07-10 22:37:09
世纪大爆仓主角Bill Hwang被判有罪,曾让华尔街失血百亿美元

Archegos资管公司创始人Bill Hwang因其公司2021年破产而受到刑事指控,周三为期两个月的庭审结束,美国陪审团宣判Bill Hwang和共同被告、首席财务官Patrick Halligan的有罪判决。现年60岁的Bill Hwang对一项串谋诈骗、三项欺诈和七项市场操纵指控...

2024-07-10 22:37:09

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