
Hester Peirce:应允许加密货币初创公司利用 NFT 筹集资金

在 SEC 首场加密圆桌会议上,Hester Peirce 表示,加密项目应被允许通过可交易的 NFT 进行融资,并透露 NFT 或将成为继 PoW 挖矿之后,SEC 发表豁免性声明的下一个领域。Peirce 表示,类似 Stoner Cats 和 Flyfish Club 这类通过 NFT 募资、为持有者提供特定权益(如访问权限、会员资格)的项目,可能不应被视为证券。她指出,如果 SEC 能为 NFT 发行人提供一套参考框架...

2025-03-21 22:59:41
SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce hints at not seeking re-election, plans to move quickly

Commissioner Hester Peirce, who has held the Republican seat on the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) since being appointed by President Trump in 2018, said in an interview that she hopes to finish her job as soon as possible before the end of her term, suggesting she will not seek re-election. Peirce also currently heads the SEC's cryptocurrency task force, which is dedicated to providing regulatory clarity for digital assets. She said that although her term expires in June, she hopes to res...

2025-03-19 15:25:45
美SEC委员Hester Peirce暗示不会寻求连任,计划快速推动工作

3月19日消息,自2018年由特朗普总统任命以来担任美国证券交易委员会(SEC)共和党席位的Hester Peirce委员在接受采访时表示,她希望在任期结束前尽快完成工作,暗示她不会寻求连任。Peirce目前还担任SEC加密货币任务组负责人,致力于为数字资产提供监管清晰度。她表示,尽管她的任期将在6月到期,但她希望能尽早解决问题,避免再设立专...

2025-03-19 15:25:45
SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce: Still believes "safe harbor" should be established to promote cryptocurrency innovation

Coindesk released an interview with Securities Exchange Commission Commissioner Hester Peirce at the end of February. She said that she still believes that a "safe harbor" should be established to promote cryptocurrency innovation, and she is not obsessed with it. If people have better ideas to come up with, the SEC's goal is to make people truly willing to disclose information, so that they are not worried that if they disclose information, they will become the target of the Securities Exchange...

2025-03-15 14:51:03
美SEC专员Hester Peirce:现在仍然认为应该建立“安全港”来促进加密货币创新

Coindesk发布二月底对美国证券交易委员会专员Hester Peirce的专访内容,她表示现在仍然认为应该建立“安全港”来促进加密货币创新,并不执着于此。如果人们有更好的想法可以提出,SEC的目标是让人们真正愿意披露信息,让他们不担心如果披露信息就会成为美国证券交易委员会执法行动的目标。此外,Hester Peirce还透露曾为现任SEC代理主席Paul Atkins工作过四年,称其是...

2025-03-15 14:51:03
SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce: Crypto Working Group Has Started Defining Terms of Reference

According to Eleanor Terrett of Fox Business, Hester Peirce, commissioner of the Securities Exchange Commission, said: "The crypto working group has started to identify what is not the SEC's domain, and it is important to understand what is the SEC's remit and what is not." Hester Peirce also said that it is important to involve the public in the rulemaking discussion, and that people affected by the rules should have the right to participate in the development of the rules.

2025-03-05 16:38:27
美SEC专员Hester Peirce:加密工作组已开始确定职权范围

据 Fox Business 记者 Eleanor Terrett 在 X 平台发文称,美国证券交易委员会专员 Hester Peirce 表示:“加密工作组已开始确定哪些事情不属于 SEC 的领域,了解哪些是 SEC 的职权范围,哪些不是,这一点很重要。” Hester Peirce 还称,让公众参与规则制定讨论非常重要,受到规则影响的人们应该有权参与制定规则。

2025-03-05 16:38:27
SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce: Some Crypto Regulatory Framework Could Be Established Within the Year

On March 5th, Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Commissioner Hester Peirce said in an interview with Fortune magazine that while she does not support previous enforcement actions, this does not mean that the Securities Exchange Commission terminates enforcement in appropriate circumstances. Appointments in the crypto industry should not think they have a "free pass", otherwise they will be labeled "cryptocurrency" for fraud. She also said that the SEC will continue to pursue securities violat...

2025-03-05 13:34:29
美SEC专员Hester Peirce:年内或设立部分加密监管框架

3月5日消息,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)专员 Hester Peirce 在接受《财富》杂志采访时表示,虽然不支持此前执法行动,但这并没有表明美国证券交易委员会在适当情况下终止执法,加密行业里的任命不应该认为他们有「免费通行证」,否则将会给欺诈贴上了「加密货币标签」。她还表示 SEC 将继续追查一般情况下的证券违规行为。Heste...

2025-03-05 13:34:29
SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce: Dismissing Coinbase Charges Does Not Mean Regulators Will End Enforcement

Hester Peirce, the Crypto-Friendly Commissioner of the Securities Exchange Commission, wrote that the SEC solved the Coinbase case through bias. She herself does not support the action against Coinbase, and is concerned that the use of law enforcement tools to regulate the crypto industry will become part of the SEC's larger strategy. Currently, the Securities Exchange Commission has interacted with the public by establishing a cryptocurrency working group to establish a regulatory framework tha...

2025-02-28 16:21:39
美SEC专员Hester Peirce:驳回Coinbase指控不代表监管机构会终止执法

美国证券交易委员会加密友好专员 Hester Peirce 发文表示,美 SEC 通过偏见来解决 Coinbase 的案件,她本人不支持针对 Coinbase 的行动,担心使用执法工具来规范加密行业会成为 SEC 更大战略的一部分。当前,美国证券交易委员会已通过成立加密货币工作组与公众互动,以建立为美国公众服务的监管框架,这种新方法推动了驳回针对 Coinbase 的指控,但这并没有表明美国证...

2025-02-28 16:21:39
SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce: Meme may not be regulated by SEC

In an interview with Bloomberg, SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce said that many Meme tokens may not fall under the SEC's regulatory purview because current regulations do not explicitly classify them as securities. She pointed out that if Congress or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) wanted to step in, that would be their decision. Peirce believes that Meme tokens have no intrinsic value and are more like digital versions of Beanie Babies or baseball cards. She said: "If people are w...

2025-02-12 19:48:59
美SEC委员Hester Peirce:Meme币或不受SEC监管

美 SEC 委员 Hester Peirce 在接受彭博社采访时表示,许多 Meme 代币可能不属于 SEC 的监管范围,因现行法规未将其明确归类为证券。她指出,若国会或商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)希望介入,那将是他们的决定。Peirce 认为,Meme 代币没有内在价值,更像数字版 Beanie Babies 或棒球卡。她表示:“如果人们愿意购买缺乏长期价值的代币,他们可以自由选择,但不应对价格暴跌感到意外。...

2025-02-12 19:48:59
SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce: SEC is waiting for chairperson appointment before setting crypto agenda

In a virtual address to a Federalist Society panel today, SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce said it was "premature" for the SEC to begin developing a crypto regulatory agenda without a Senate-approved chairperson in charge. Mark Uyeda is currently serving as acting chairperson, but the Senate is expected to vote soon on the nomination of former SEC commissioner Paul Atkins. Hester Peirce said: "Mark Uyeda, acting chairperson, has done a very good job and the agenda is playing...

2025-02-11 22:34:10
美SEC委员Hester Peirce:SEC正等待主席任命,然后再制定加密议程

美SEC委员Hester Peirce今日在联邦党人协会小组会议上发表虚拟讲话时表示,在未得到参议院批准的主席负责的情况下,SEC 开始制定加密货币监管议程“为时过早”。 目前Mark Uyeda接任代理主席一职,但参议院预计将很快就前美SEC委员保罗·阿特金斯 (Paul Atkins) 的主席提名进行投票。 Hester Peirce表示:“代理主席Mark Uyeda干得非常好,议程也奏...

2025-02-11 22:34:10

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