
The Utah Bitcoin Reserve Bill has passed the Senate Tax Committee's review

According to Cointelegraph, Utah's HB230 "Blockchain and Digital Innovation Amendment" has passed the state's Senate Tax Committee with a 4-2-1 vote on February 20, and the bill will enter the second and third readings of the Senate. According to the bill, to become a reserve asset, a digital asset must have an average market cap of $500 billion or more in the previous calendar year. Currently, only Bitcoin meets this requirement. The bill...

2025-02-21 03:04:23

据 Cointelegraph 报道,犹他州 HB230"区块链和数字创新修正案"已于 2 月 20 日以 4-2-1 的投票结果通过该州参议院税收委员会审核,该法案将进入参议院二读和三读程序。 根据该法案,要成为储备资产,数字资产在上一个日历年度内的平均市值必须达到 5000 亿美元或以上。目前,仅比特币符合这一要求。法案...

2025-02-21 03:04:23

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