Cryptocurrency venture capital giant Haun Ventures has raised $1 billion for two new funds that will be split into two tranches, $500 million for early-stage project investments and $500 million for later-stage project investments.
知情人士透露,加密货币风险投资巨头 Haun Ventures 为两只新基金筹集 10 亿美元,该基金将分为两部分,5亿美元用于早期项目投资,5亿美元用于后期项目投资,基金计划于6月完成募集。
Wang Yi responded to DeepSeek: The most violent place in the storm is precisely the stage where Nezha is noisy and soaring into the sky.
据Finisterra Labs公告,公司完成375万美元种子轮融资,由Haun Ventures领投,Lightshift Capital参投,用于开发去中心化数据市场Baselight。
According to analyst Shaun Edmondson, Bitcoin ETF issuers bought more than 9,000 BTC on Friday, January 3, and more than 9,600 BTC on Monday. Since the first approval of Bitcoin ETFs, all 12 issuers have become big players in the industry. In October, they purchased the equivalent of 5 times the global mining production. Now this figure has exceeded 20 times. Analysts believe that bearish market signals will only lead to greater purchases.
Shaun Maguire, a partner at Sequoia Capital, said in a post on the X platform that Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested in France on August 25. Despite some controversy on the Telegram platform, Durov should be regarded as a hero rather than a villain. He pointed out that Durov's original intention of creating Telegram was to resist authoritarian governments and enable citizens to communicate across borders and regimes. Maguire also mentioned that Telegram has played an important role in ma...
Sequoia Capital 合伙人 Shaun Maguire 在 X 平台发文表示,Telegram 创始人 Pavel Durov8 月 25 日在法国被捕,尽管 Telegram 平台存在一些争议,但 Durov 应被视为英雄而非恶棍。他指出,Durov 创建 Telegram 的初衷是为了抵抗专制政府,使公民能够跨越边界和政权进行交流。 Maguire 还提到,Telegram 在过去十年中在许多支持民主的抗议活动中发挥了重要作用。...
Cryptocurrency startup Chaos Labs has raised $55 million in a Series A round led by venture capital firm Haun Ventures, with other participants including F-Prime Capital, Slow Ventures and Spartan Capital, as well as large investors such as Lightspeed Venture Partners, Galaxy Ventures and PayPal Ventures. Chaos Labs is also backed by angel investors such as Solana's Anatoly Yakovenko and Phantom's Francesco Agosti.
加密货币初创公司Chaos Labs已在由风险投资公司 Haun Ventures 牵头的 A 轮融资中筹集了 5500 万美元,其他参与者包括 F-Prime Capital、Slow Ventures 和 Spartan Capital,以及 Lightspeed Venture Partners、Galaxy Ventures 和 PayPal Ventures 等大型投资者。Chaos Labs 还得到了 Solana 的 Anatoly Yakovenko 和 Phantom 的 Francesco Agosti 等天使投资者的支持。
Fireblocks, an institutional-oriented cryptocurrency and digital asset platform, has announced the completion of a new round of financing. Haun Ventures participated. The specific financing amount and valuation information are not yet public. Katie Haun hopes to seize the opportunity to invest in later-stage companies that other investors may have abandoned. Fireblocks is currently accelerating the construction of software and APIs that can be used for custody, managing fund operations, accessin...
面向机构的加密货币和数字资产平台Fireblocks完宣布完成新一轮融资,Haun Ventures参投,具体融资金额和估值信息暂未公开,Katie Haun希望抓住机会投资其他投资者可能已经放弃的后期公司。Fireblocks目前正在加速构建可用于托管、管理资金运营、访问DeFi、铸造和销毁代币以及管理其数字资产运营的软件和API。
Blockchain data tracking and analysis platform Chainalysis announced the completion of a new round of financing, with Haun Ventures participating. The deal was disclosed by Katie Haun, founder of Haun Ventures, at the Axios BFD conference in San Francisco. The specific financing amount and valuation information have not been disclosed yet. The Information revealed in April that Haun Venture has acquired part of Chainalysis through the secondary market.
区块链数据追踪及分析平台Chainalysis宣布完成新一轮融资,Haun Ventures参投,这笔交易是Haun Ventures创始人Katie Haun在旧金山参加Axios BFD大会时披露的,具体融资金额和估值信息暂未公开。The Information曾在四月披露,Haun Venture已经通过二级市场收购了Chainalysis公司部分股份。
Coinbase board member Kathryn Haun announced on social media that he will be leaving the Coinbase board this year at the end of his third term. Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase, said she is the longest-serving independent director at Coinbase, having served for more than seven years. Haun said that the cryptocurrency industry is in a state of significant expansion, and Coinbase is well-positioned to thrive. HaunVentures is also in the midst of a similar expansion, and feels it is time to double ...