Sati, a WhatsApp-based crypto payment platform, announced the completion of the $600,000 Pre-Seed round of financing, with the participation of BitcoinFi Accelerator, Arcanum Capital, Draper Associates, Boost VC, etc. The new funds will support its introduction of Bitcoin into the WhatsApp instant messaging application ecosystem, as well as the cross-border transaction service of stablecoins based on USDC and USDT.
基于WhatsApp的加密支付平台Sati宣布完成60万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,BitcoinFi Accelerator、Arcanum Capital、Draper Associates、Boost VC等参投,新资金将支持其将比特币引入WhatsApp即时通讯应用生态,以及基于USDC和USDT的稳定币跨境交易服务。
On June 20th, Oasis announced that it has partnered with Hats to launch 1 million ROSE secondary audits and bug bounties dedicated to projects within the ecosystem. Researchers and hackers on the Hats platform will be able to earn rewards for finding vulnerabilities in selected dApp code, strengthening the security of dApps on Oasis's confidential EVM Sapphire. The first dApp to be reviewed by hundreds of hacker experts will be illumineX.
6月20日消息,Oasis宣布与Hats合作推出100万枚ROSE专门用于生态系统内项目的二次审计和漏洞赏金。Hats平台上的研究人员和黑客将能够通过发现选定dApp代码中的漏洞来获得奖励,从而加强Oasis机密EVM Sapphire上dApp的安全性。第一个接受数百名黑客专家审核的dApp将是illumineX。
Stacks co-founder Muneeb Ali announced the launch of the $1 million Orange Hats program on the X platform. The new program aims to improve Stacks security, will drive white hat hacking, and provide new tools and services for contract testing and deployment at the application layer. This can scale beyond Stacks L2 and benefit Bitcoin L1.
Stacks联合创始人Muneeb Ali在X平台宣布推出100万美元Orange Hats计划,新计划旨在提高Stacks安全性,将推动白帽黑客活动,并为应用层的合约测试和部署提供新的工具和服务。这可以扩展到Stacks L2之外,并使比特币L1受益。