Gotbit founder Aleksei Andriunin has reached a plea deal with US authorities to forfeit $23 million in crypto assets linked to market manipulation charges. Court documents cited by Law360 show that Andriunin's involvement in Gotbit resulted in financial "damage" to "decentralized market participants" who purchased cryptocurrencies at "fraudulently inflated prices". Gotbit's...
Gotbit创始人Aleksei Andriunin已与美国当局达成认罪协议,将被没收与市场操纵指控相关的2300万美元加密资产。Law360援引的法庭文件显示,Andriunin参与Gotbit的导致购买加密货币的“去中心化市场参与者”遭受财务“损害”,他们以“欺诈性抬高的价格”购买了加密货币。Gotbit的...
Aleksei Andriunin, founder and chief executive of Gotbit and a Russian citizen, has been extradited to the US for allegedly "manipulating the cryptocurrency market on behalf of client cryptocurrency companies". The Massachusetts attorney's office said Mr. Andriunin appeared in court on Wednesday and was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of "telegraphic transfer fraud and conspiracy to manipulate the market and telegraphic transfer fraud". Andriunin was arrested in Portugal in October l...
Gotbit创始人兼CEO、俄罗斯公民Aleksei Andriunin因涉嫌“代表客户加密货币公司操纵加密货币市场”,已被引渡至美国。美国马萨诸塞州检察官办公室称,Andriunin于周三出庭,并被联邦大陪审团以“电汇欺诈和合谋操纵市场及电汇欺诈”罪名起诉。 Andriunin于去年10月在葡萄牙被捕。检方指控其通过创建加密货币公司、虚...
The Department of Justice has indicted Aleksei Andriunin, founder and CEO of crypto financial services company Gotbit, on charges of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit market manipulation. Aleksei Andriunin, a Russian citizen living in Portugal, was arrested on October 16. Court documents show that Gotbit provided market manipulation services to create artificial trading volumes for multiple cryptocurrency companies, including those based in the United States, in order to list cryptocurrencies ...
Gotbit Hedge Fund has officially tweeted that our CEO Alex Andryunin has been arrested in Portugal. We do not have further details at this time, but please rest assured that the account on Gotbit is safe. Our goal is to prove the innocence of the company and CEO Alex Andryunin. We are ready to fully cooperate with the authorities, provide all necessary documents to support the investigation and quickly clear up this misunderstanding. We will update in a timely manner as soon as we have more info...
After the market maker Gotbit was sued by the US government, Beercoin and the WaterCoin project have successively clarified that they have changed market makers, claiming that they have nothing to do with Gotbit. Beercoin announced that it has long stopped cooperating, and WaterCoin said that it changed market makers after the project was launched due to doubts about Gotbit's integrity. However, community users have questioned the clarification of the two projects. In addition, Lookonchain point...
According to Lookonchain, the US SEC, FBI, and Department of Justice have sued Gotbit and other crypto companies for alleged fraud and market manipulation. Gotbit previously claimed that they sold WATER to bring the price down to a fair level, but it sold much more tokens than it bought.
据 Lookonchain 监测,美国 SEC、FBI 和司法部起诉 Gotbit 和其他加密公司涉嫌欺诈和操纵市场。 Gotbit 之前声称他们出售 WATER 是为了将价格降低到公平的水平,然而其卖出代币比买入的多得多。
The founder of the hedge fund Gotbit Hedge Fund published internal research on the platform. The main reason why TON Chain Meme cannot break through and maintain a market value of 10 million US dollars is that they are not active enough on the X platform. The X platform provides an opportunity for the dissemination of Meme coins on SOL, which can be exposed in other Meme communities through tags/comments, but the TG channel cannot do this.
对冲基金Gotbit Hedge Fund创始人在平台发文公布内部研究,TON链Meme无法突破并维持1千万美金市值的主要原因是它们在X平台不够活跃。X平台为SOL上Meme币传播提供了机会,只需通过标签/评论即可在其他Meme社区中曝光,而TG频道不能做到这一点。