Web3 gaming startup GFAL has raised $3.20 million in a seed round from investors including Supercell and MitchLasky, among others. GFAL raised $4.40 million in its GFAL token launch in Quarter 1, 2023, which was added to the $3.20 million seed round, which is currently worth $52 million. The GFAL team is led by Manel Sort, with leadership members having held positions at industry leaders such as King Entertainment, Activision Blizzard, ElectronicArts, Netflix, and Digital Chocolate.
Web3游戏初创公司GFAL在种子轮融资中筹集了320万美元,投资方包括Supercell和MitchLasky等。GFAL于2023年第一季度推出GFAL代币,筹集了440万美元的资金,这轮320万美元的种子融资增加了该轮融资,该代币目前的市值为5200万美元。 GFAL团队由Manel Sort领导,领导层成员曾在King Entertainment、动视暴雪、ElectronicArts、Netflix和Digital Chocolate等行业领先企业担任过职务。