Blockchain biotech project GenomesDAO announced the completion of a new round of financing, Pantera Capital and Modular Capital participated, the specific amount has not yet been disclosed, the project said it has spent five years to build a secure, decentralized, incentive genomic platform, and the use of Web3 infrastructure to ensure the secure storage, query and management of genomic data, the future will use the new funds to expand the scale of data collection.
区块链生物技术项目GenomesDAO宣布完成新一轮融资,Pantera Capital和 Modular Capital参投,具体金额暂未披露,该项目称已花费五年时间打造安全、去中心化、激励型的基因组平台,并利用Web3基础设施以确保基因组数据的安全存储、查询和管理,后续将利用新资金扩大数据采集规模。