Ripple CEO Garlinghouse confirmed that he had discussed with Trump the possibility of using XRP as a strategic reserve asset in the United States, and stressed that the reserve should be diversified, while dismissing the idea of trying to suppress bitcoin. He pointed out that the crypto industry has huge opportunities and there will be multiple winners in the future.
Ripple CEO Garlinghouse证实曾与特朗普讨论将XRP作为美国战略储备资产的可能性,并强调储备应多元化,同时驳斥了试图打压比特币的说法。他指出,加密行业机会巨大,未来将有多个赢家。
Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse posted on the X platform that the crypto industry will never be a zero-sum game if it works together rather than tearing each other apart, and there is also a chance to achieve common goals. Brad Garlinghouse said that individuals hold a few tokens such as XRP, BTC and ETH, and today people live in a multi-chain world that advocates a level playing field, rather than one token against another. If a government digital asset reserve is created, it should represent the ...
Ripple首席执行官Brad Garlinghouse在X平台发文称,如果共同努力而不是互相撕裂,加密行业将永远不会是零和游戏,也有机会实现共同目标。Brad Garlinghouse表示,个人持有XRP、BTC和ETH等少数几种代币,如今人们生活在一个多链世界,主张公平的竞争环境,而不是一种代币对抗另一种代币。如果创建了政府数字资产储备,应该代表整个行业,...
Ripple 首席执行官 Brad Garlinghouse 最近就美国政府建立国家数字资产储备计划的当前讨论发表了自己的看法。尽管 Ripple 在美国的影响力日益扩大,但 Garlinghouse 重申了公司对多链未来理念以及加密货币领域合作的承诺。
Brad Garlinghouse, chief executive of Ripple, said "we would not be profitable or generate positive cash flow without selling our XRP assets." All 100 billion XRP tokens were created out of thin air by Ripple Labs in 2012 and are reserved for insiders. Ripple's revenue comes from selling these currencies to the public.
Ripple首席执行官BradGarlinghouse“如果不出售我们的 XRP 资产,我们就不会盈利或产生正现金流。” 所有 1000 亿个 XRP 代币都是 Ripple Labs 于 2012 年凭空创造的,并为内部人员保留。 Ripple的收入来自于向公众抛售这些货币。
Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse tweeted that 75% of Ripple Labs' job openings are currently in the US, and that the company has completed more deals and collaborations in the US after the November 2024 election than in the previous six months. The Trump team has already driven innovation and job growth in the US, and they haven't even taken office yet. Call it what you will, but the Trump effect is already making cryptocurrencies great again.
Ripple 首席执行官 Brad Garlinghouse 发推表示,目前 Ripple Labs 75% 的职位空缺都在美国,且在 2024 年 11 月大选之后,该公司在美国完成的交易和合作比之前 6 个月都要多。特朗普团队已经在美国推动了创新和就业增长,而他们甚至还没有上任。随你怎么说,但特朗普效应已经在让加密货币再次变得伟大。
Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse announced that 75% of Ripple Labs' job openings are currently in the United States, and that the company has more deals and partnerships in the United States after the November 2024 election than in the previous six months. Garlinghouse attributed the changes to the incoming Trump administration and Donald Trump's pro-cryptocurrency rhetoric.
Ripple首席执行官布拉德-加林豪斯(Brad Garlinghouse)宣布,目前Ripple Labs 75%的职位空缺都在美国,而且在2024年11月大选之后,该公司在美国达成的交易和合作伙伴关系比之前六个月还要多。Garlinghouse将这些变化归因于即将上任的特朗普政府和唐纳德-特朗普的亲加密货币言论。
Brad Garlinghouse, chief executive of Ripple, wrote on the X platform: "Today in the United States, we welcome the 119th Congress - and more importantly, the most crypto-friendly Congress in history. The journey is just beginning, and you can't deny the energy and excitement that the industry is already full, let's get started."
Ripple首席执行官Brad Garlinghouse在X平台发文称:“今天,在美国,我们迎来了第 119 届国会——更为重要的是,这是历史上期间最支持加密货币的国会。旅程才刚刚开始,你无法否认整个行业已经充满了活力和兴奋,让我们开始行动吧。”
Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse announced on the X platform that the stablecoin RLUSD has been approved by the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS), and the list of exchanges and partners will be launched soon.