
Notional Labs CEO:Terra 崩盘并非 Do Kwon 一手造成,真正策划者仍然在逃

区块链服务公司 Notional Labs CEO Jacob Gadikian 近日披露,Terra 生态系统的崩溃并非 Do Kwon 一手造成,而是源于未知攻击者的精心策划。据 Flipside 数据显示,在 UST 脱锚期间,链上交易量激增 6 倍,大量机器人交易导致 Terra 无法通过其经济模型恢复 UST 美元锚定。 具体分析显示,攻击者通过少数地址发起超过 7 万笔失败交易,导致验证节点内存池(仅可容纳 5000 ...

2025-01-09 12:55:12
Industry insiders: Cosmos' LSM modules may be built by North Korean developers

Cosmos ecosystem developer Jacob Gadikian, who shared the findings in an X post on October 16, said that part of Cosmos' Liquid Staking Module (LSM) may have been built by North Korean developers. Cosmos co-founder Ethan Buchman said in an X post on October 18 that Cosmos was previously unaware of North Korean contributions to LSM. Melody Chan, head of research at Redecentralise, a non-profit organization for sustainable development at DeFi, said malicious North Korean actors may be behind the C...

2024-10-23 11:19:20

Cosmos生态系统开发人员Jacob Gadikian在10月16日的X帖子中分享了调查结果,他表示,Cosmos的Liquid Staking模块(LSM)的一部分可能是由朝鲜开发人员构建的。Cosmos联合创始人Ethan Buchman在10月18日的X帖子中表示,Cosmos此前并不知道朝鲜对LSM的贡献。 DeFi可持续发展的非营利组织Redecentralise的研究负责人Melody Chan表示,恶意的朝​​鲜行为者可能是Cosmos LSM代码的幕后黑...

2024-10-23 11:19:20

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