
The 2027 FOMC voting committee, San Francisco Federal Reserve President Daly, and Federal Reserve Governor Coogler have been invited to participate in a monetary policy panel discussion to be announced in ten minutes.

The 2027 FOMC voting committee, San Francisco Federal Reserve President Daly, and Federal Reserve Governor Coogler have been invited to participate in a monetary policy panel discussion to be announced in ten minutes.

2025-01-04 22:20:00
Fed Daly: Cryptocurrencies should not be confused with gold, far from being "money"

Mr. Daley, president of the San Francisco Fed, said cryptocurrencies should be treated as a separate asset class, not confused with gold as is often the case, and were complex and not yet ready to become "money". "I think cryptocurrency is a complicated thing, and the service we need to provide for everyone is to really decipher what it means, and once we do that, we can define it," Daly said.

2024-12-31 04:01:46
National Weather Service: After the earthquake, the expected start time of the tsunami in San Francisco, California is 3:10 PM EST (4:10 AM Beijing time today).

National Weather Service: After the earthquake, the expected start time of the tsunami in San Francisco, California is 3:10 PM EST (4:10 AM Beijing time today).

2024-12-05 19:41:53
Federal Reserve Voters Daley: No sense of urgency to cut interest rates

"We don't need to have a sense of urgency," Mary Daly, chairperson of the San Francisco Fed and a member of the 2024 FOMC voting committee, told PBS's "News Hour" program on Wednesday. "There is no sense of urgency, but we do need to continue to carefully adjust our policy to make sure it's consistent with our economy today and the economy we expect to have going forward." She added that policymakers will discuss the best options at the Federal Reserve's December 17-18 meeting in Washington.

2024-12-05 01:39:25
San Francisco Fed report: US labor market continues to increase inflationary pressures

The tight U.S. labor market is still increasing inflationary pressures, albeit to a lesser extent than in 2022 and 2023, according to research published Monday by the San Francisco Fed. "Declining demand for labor has depressed inflation by nearly 0.75 percentage points over the past two years," wrote San Francisco Fed economists Regis Barnichon and Adam Hale Shapiro. "However, high demand is still contributing 0.3 to 0.4 percentage points to inflation through September 2024." The San Francisco ...

2024-11-18 22:36:33
Survey: Only 7.5% of respondents use cryptocurrencies for transactions, but the majority support President Bukele

According to a new survey by Francisco Gavidia University, only 7.5% of respondents in El Salvador said they use cryptocurrencies for transactions, while 92% admitted not to using cryptocurrencies, and only 1.3% see bitcoin as the country's main future direction. In addition, about 58% of respondents said they believe the country is moving in the right direction, and overwhelmingly support President Bukele. In an interview with Time magazine in August, President Bukele said that Sa...

2024-10-16 05:42:34

根据 Francisco Gavidia University 的一项新调查,萨尔瓦多只有 7.5% 的受访者表示他们使用加密货币进行交易,而 92% 的人承认没有使用加密货币,且只有 1.3% 认为比特币是该国未来主要发展方向。此外,约 58% 的受访者表示,他们认为国家正朝着正确的方向发展,并绝大多数支持 Bukele 总统。在 8 月份接受《时代》杂志采访时,Bukele 总统表示,使用比特币的萨...

2024-10-16 05:42:34
The Brazilian government has banned the X platform, threatening citizens with a daily fine of $8,900 if they use it

On September 1st, Michael Shellenberger, author of San Francisco magazine, wrote that yesterday the Brazilian government blocked X (formerly Twitter) and threatened to fine citizens $8,900 a day if they used the platform. Musk retweeted a solidarity tweet, saying that Twitter respects Brazilian laws, but when asked to violate them, Twitter has the right to refuse. Ironically, while Twitter may be banned for not complying with laws elsewhere, in Brazil it is banned for complying with laws....

2024-09-01 08:30:51
According to Fortune, social media platform X is closing its San Francisco headquarters on September 13. X's headquarters are expected to move to Texas.

According to Fortune, social media platform X is closing its San Francisco headquarters on September 13. X's headquarters are expected to move to Texas.

2024-08-29 17:37:20
Social Media X will shut down its San Francisco headquarters on September 13

The social media platform "X" will close its San Francisco headquarters on September 13. X's headquarters are expected to move to Texas.

2024-08-29 17:51:33
Fetch.ai will provide $10 million in funding for AI startups

Fetch.ai, a decentralized machine learning platform, is establishing a hub in San Francisco, California, to advance artificial intelligence technology. According to Fetch.ai, the company will allocate $10 million annually to projects that use the platform to build AI agents. Funding will be based on milestones, capped at $1 million per project.

2024-08-23 13:08:07

7x24 快讯

21:52 2025-03-27
欧盟拟打击美国服务出口 目标包括大型科技公司
21:49 2025-03-27
Sei Foundation拟收购23andMe
据 Sei Foundation 的 官方 X 账号,Sei 正考虑收购已申请破产保护的基因检测公司 23andMe,计划将其逾 1500 万用户的基因数据上链,并赋予用户对自身基因数据的所有权和控制权。Sei 表示,基因数据安全已成为国家安全问题,而 23andMe 当前正面临严重财务困境,并于本周申请第 11 章破产保护(Chapter 11)。多位州总检察长已提...
21:43 2025-03-27
育碧将成立新子公司 腾讯将在其中投资11.6亿欧元
21:40 2025-03-27
21:37 2025-03-27
21:31 2025-03-27
21:04 2025-03-27
美国司法部(DOJ)宣布查封约 20 万美元的加密货币,作为打击哈马斯融资网络行动的一部分。DOJ指出,这笔资金为 USDT,来源于与哈马斯及其附属组织相关的钱包。自 2024 年 10 月以来,这些地址共收到超过 150 万美元加密货币,背后是一次有组织的筹款行动。资金被集中转入一个主钱包,并通过多个交易所及场外交易商转移,以试图掩盖资金流向。
20:43 2025-03-27
据 Arkham 监测,美国政府刚刚从“Sae-Heng 没收资金”地址中转移了价值约 177 万美元的以太坊(ETH)。 首先,一笔价值 1 美元的测试交易被发送至地址:0xBf7f...c74b,大约十分钟后,来自 Sae-Heng 没收资金地址(0x17f)的 177 万美元 ETH 随即被转移到 0xBf7 地址。
20:31 2025-03-27
美国区块链基础设施公司Constellation Network近日发布"数字证据"(Digital Evidence)系统,该系统基于区块链技术,旨在为执法部门和公共服务机构提供防篡改的数据存证解决方案。该公司此前已与美国国防部合作开发"Iron SPIDR"项目长达六年。 该系统可应用于警用车辆、消防设备等场景的数据采集,并与松下TOUGHBOOK设备实现集成。Const...
20:12 2025-03-27
19:45 2025-03-27
Arthur Hayes:4月将成为市场的转折点,新一轮的市场增长即将到来
BitMEX 联合创始人 Arthur Hayes 表示, 4 月将成为市场的转折点,并预测新一轮的市场增长即将到来。Hayes 认为,特朗普的关税政策不会影响美联储的决策,货币印钞机将继续运转,新一轮全球流动性即将释放。
19:06 2025-03-27