
Brazilian cryptocurrency giants have teamed up to launch a stablecoin pegged to the real

Bitso, Mercado Bitcoin and Foxbit have joined forces to issue a stablecoin, BRL1, pegged to the value of the Brazilian real. The stablecoin will be issued on Ethereum and Polygon, with Cainvest providing liquidity for BTC and ETH pairs on these exchanges and other markets to be developed in the future.

2024-10-09 14:29:44

Bitso、Mercado Bitcoin 和 Foxbit 联手发行与巴西雷亚尔价值挂钩的稳定币 brl1。该稳定币将在以太坊和 Polygon 上发行,Cainvest 将为这些交易所和未来开发的其他市场上的BTC和ETH对提供流动性。

2024-10-09 14:29:44