
Opinion: Due to the centralization of mining, the final confirmation of a bitcoin transaction now takes more than a week

Bitcoin Core developer Luke Dashjr has raised concerns about the finality of Bitcoin transactions, stating that the widely accepted six-block confirmation rule no longer applies. According to him, it now takes more than a week for transactions to finalize, raising questions about Bitcoin's censorship resistance. Dashjr believes that due to the increasing centralization of Bitcoin mining pools, traditional standards no longer apply. He explained that he tried to update the six-block confirmation ...

2025-02-10 22:18:31
Opinion: Trump's launch of TRUMP has brought much attention to the crypto industry, hoping we are ready

On January 27th, according to The Block, Adam Winnick, managing director of Finality Capital Partners, called Trump's launch of TRUMP "fascinating and frustrating." It is fascinating because such a large-scale tokenization impact could have a huge impact on the crypto industry, the United States, and society as a whole. But he also pointed out that the nature and timing of the launch were "so bold" and frustrating, "it makes us...

2025-01-27 00:56:31
观点:特朗普推出 TRUMP 让加密行业备受关注,希望我们已做好准备

1月27日消息,据 The Block 报道,Finality Capital Partners 总经理 Adam Winnick 认为特朗普推出 TRUMP“既令人着迷又令人沮丧(fascinating and frustrating)”。令人着迷是因为如此大规模的代币化影响力可能会对加密行业、美国和整个社会产生巨大影响。 但他同时指出,此次推出的性质和时机“如此大胆”且令人沮丧,“它让我们...

2025-01-27 00:56:31
Bitlayer's BTCFI Carnival with Binance Wallet will launch DeSyn and DeAgentAI missions

On January 7th, the BTCFI carnival launched by Bitcoin Finality-based Bitcoin native two-layer project Bitlayer entered the third week of activities. This week, the interactive task of Bitlayer ecological project DeSyn Protocol and DeAgentAI will be launched on Binance Wallet. Users who complete this week's task can participate in the equal share of the total value of 480,000 dollars of Token rewards. So far, the number of users participating in the Bitlayer BTCFI carnival has exceeded 500,000, ...

2025-01-07 11:18:16

1月7日消息,基于Bitcoin Finality的比特币原生二层项目Bitlayer推出的BTCFI狂欢节活动进入第三周活动,本周将在币安钱包上线Bitlayer生态项目DeSyn Protocol与DeAgentAI的交互任务,完成本周任务的用户可参与均分总价值48万美元的Token奖励。 截止目前,参与Bitlayer BTCFI狂欢节活动的用户已突破50万人次,用户可登录币安钱包页面...

2025-01-07 11:18:16
L1 blockchain ChainOpera AI completes $17 million seed round of financing

ChainOpera AI completed a $17 million seed round led by Finality Capital, Road Capital, and IDG Capital, with participation from Camford VC, ABCDE Capital, Amber Group, Modular Capital, Sparkle Ventures, AimTop Venture, Wisemont Capital, LDV Partners, Acequia Capital, PrimeSet, Plug and Play, and angel investors such as David Tse (co-founder of BabylonChain), Sreeram Kannan (founder and CEO of EigenLayer), and Jeff Ren (early investor in AI and Web3).

2024-12-26 14:50:00
L1 区块链 ChainOpera AI 完成 1700 万美元种子轮融资

ChainOpera AI 完成 1700 万美元种子轮融资,Finality Capital 、Road Capital 和 IDG Capital领投,Camford VC、ABCDE Capital、Amber Group、Modular Capital、Sparkle Ventures、AimTop Venture、Wisemont Capital、LDV Partners、Acequia Capital、PrimeSet、Plug and Play、以及 David Tse (BabylonChain 联合创始人)、Sreeram Kannan (EigenLayer 创始人兼首席执行官)和Jeff Ren (AI 和 Web3 早期投资者)等天使投资人参投。

2024-12-26 14:50:00

12月13日消息,基于Bitcoin Finality的比特币原生二层项目Bitlayer公布针对官方NFT幸运头盔用户的专属奖励方案。即日起,Bitlayer幸运头盔NFT用户在Bitlayer与币安钱包联合发起的BTCFi狂欢节期间,每周可登陆Bitlayer官网Racer Center或Bitlayer BTCFi Carnival页面领取相应BTR奖励。每枚NFT每周可领取200枚BTR代...

2024-12-13 05:19:47
Binance Wallet and Bitlayer Launch BTCFi Carnival, Airdrop Worth 1.20 million USD BTR

On December 10, Bitlayer, a Bitcoin native two-layer project based on Bitcoin Finality, announced the official launch of the BTCFi Carnival in cooperation with Binance Wallet, which will last until January 24, 2025. During the BTCFi Carnival, Binance Wallet will launch 2-3 exclusive activities of BTCFI projects every week, and distribute BTR rewards totaling $1.20 million and generous rewards provided by ecological projects to participating users. At present, Binance Wallet has launched the firs...

2024-12-10 10:46:21

12月10日消息,基于Bitcoin Finality的比特币原生二层项目Bitlayer宣布与Binance Wallet合作的BTCFi狂欢节活动正式上线,活动将持续至2025年1月24日。BTCFi狂欢节期间,Binance Wallet每周将上线2-3家BTCFI项目的专属活动,将总计120万美元的BTR奖励及生态项目提供的丰厚奖励分发给参与用户。 目前,Binance Wallet已上线首周价值60万美元BTR激励的活动,用户现可登录页...

2024-12-10 10:46:21
Bitlayer released maintenance version v1.1.6, and it is recommended that all nodes upgrade as soon as possible

On December 5th, Bitlayer, a Bitcoin native two-layer project based on Bitcoin finality, officially released maintenance version v1.1.6, which aims to fix DoS attacks that may be caused by malicious P2P messages. The official recommends that all nodes upgrade to this version as soon as possible.

2024-12-05 09:21:05

12月5日消息,基于Bitcoin finality的比特币原生二层项目Bitlayer官方发布维护版本v1.1.6,旨在修复可能通过恶意P2P消息造成的DoS攻击问题。官方建议所有节点尽快升级至该版本。

2024-12-05 09:21:05
Bitlayer contributes the first available script splitting implementation to the BitVM open source project

On November 13th, Bitlayer, a Bitcoin-based native two-layer project based on Bitcoin finality, announced that it has contributed the first viable Groth16 verification script splitting implementation to the BitVM open-source project. The 1GB Groth16 verification script gets 975 chunks after splitting, and all chunks can meet the Bitcoin runtime limit. This implementation complements the key components in the BitVM implementation, making it possible for the BitVM protocol to run on the Bitcoin ma...

2024-11-13 06:57:27

11月13日消息,基于Bitcoin finality的比特币原生二层项目Bitlayer宣布已为BitVM开源项目贡献第1个可行的Groth16验证脚本拆分实现,1GB的Groth16验证脚本经过拆分后得到975个chunk,并且所有的chunk都能满足Bitcoin运行时限制。该实现补齐了BitVM实现中的关键组件,使得BitVM协议在Bitcoin主网运行成为可能。此外,Bitlayer透露其计划在2024年底上线BitVM桥测试网。

2024-11-13 06:57:27
Bitlayer and Nansen reach a strategic cooperation

On November 11th, Bitlayer, a bitcoin native two-layer project based on Bitcoin finality, announced a strategic cooperation with blockchain analysis platform Nansen. Nansen will soon integrate Bitlayer on-chain data and open Bitlayer data analytics and real-time tools for users to explore Bitlayer's growing on-chain ecosystem. This strategic cooperation represents Nansen's official expansion of business into the Bitcoin ecosystem, and Bitlayer becomes the first Bitcoin L2 project supported by Na...

2024-11-11 10:53:25

7x24 快讯

16:50 2025-03-24
尽管交易价格比 2021 年历史最高价低 57%,但以太坊市值仍保持在 2520 亿美元左右,高于迪士尼和丰田等全球跨国巨头,也高于贵金属铂金。目前低于以太坊市值的其他知名公司包括 IBM、麦当劳、通用电气、壳牌,如果以太坊是一家公司,市值排名将位列全球第五十名,仅次于雀巢。
16:47 2025-03-24
当地时间3月24日,美国地区法官黛博拉·博德曼 (Deborah Boardman) 发布了一项初步禁令,禁止政府效率部访问美国教育部、财政部和人事管理办公室的个人数据。据悉,工会联盟上个月在马里兰州联邦法院提起诉讼,该诉讼由美国教师联合会牵头,指控特朗普政府在未经数千万美国人同意的情况下允许马斯克率领的政府效率部访问包...
16:47 2025-03-24
16:41 2025-03-24
特朗普家族基金在 BSC 上推出稳定币,做市机构 Wintermute 也参与其中,币安创始人 CZ 在 X 平台发文称,按照 BSCScan 数据,特朗普家族基金的稳定币智能合约 20 天前就已部署。 根据相关信息显示,特朗普家族基金推出的稳定币名为 World Liberty Financial USD(USD1)。
16:41 2025-03-24
CoinReg Tech向美SEC加密货币工作组提出修订交易法规则等多项监管建议
数字资产市场监管技术提供商 CoinReg Tech 在给美国证券交易委员会的回信中向旗下加密货币工作组提出监管建议,主要包括: 1、应明确数字资产证券交易(无论是"链上"还是"链下")都应遵循与标准证券相同的交易报告要求。 2、应解决由交易平台上链下交易促成的数字资产证券所涉及的投资者保护和市场结构问...
16:02 2025-03-24
币安HODLer空投上线Particle Network (PARTI)
币安 HODLer 空投现已上线第 13 期项目 ParticleNetwork(PARTI)。在 2025 年 3 月 7 日 08:00 至 2025 年 3 月 11 日 07:59(北京时间)期间,使用 BNB 申购赚币平台产品的用户将获得 PARTI 空投奖励。币安将于 2025 年 3 月 25 日 21:00(北京时间)上线 PARTI,并开放 PARTI/USDT、PARTI/USDC、PARTI/BNB、PARTI/FDUSD 和 PARTI/TRY 交易对。空投信息预计在 12 小时内公布,新代币将在交易开始前至少 1...
16:02 2025-03-24
Starknet 生态 DeFi 协议 Nostra Finance 发文表示,发现 xSTRK 和 sSTRK 的喂价信息存在严重问题,导致 3 月 24 日其价值在区块 1256310 至 1256360 之间上涨约 3 倍(例如,xSTRK 从 0.1793 美元上涨至 0.5897 美元)。这种喂价数据的上涨可能导致原本安全的仓位被不必要地清算。由于没有可用的备用预言机来支持这些资产,Nostra 无法完全防止类似事件的发生。 为了保护用户...
16:02 2025-03-24
阿布扎比国际金融中心阿布扎比全球市场(ADGM)宣布已与 Chainlink 签署谅解备忘录,就代币化资产的合规框架展开合作,本次合作将使阿布扎比国际金融中心能够使用 Chainlink 的区块链工具套件,包括喂价数据支持和互操作性服务,以促进其注册机构下的区块链创新。
15:58 2025-03-24
瑞士区块链分析公司 Global Ledger 最新报告显示,受制裁的俄罗斯加密货币交易平台 Garantex 已更名为 Grinex,大量链上和链下数据表明 Grinex 是 Garantex 的直接继承者。Garantex 的部分流动性,包括 Garantex 持有的卢布支持稳定币已全部转移到 Grinex 控制的钱包中。Grinex 近期增长速度很快,短短两周内交易量已超过 4000 万美元。
15:52 2025-03-24
15:46 2025-03-24
15:32 2025-03-24