
Trump's hint of "selective default" and Musk's frenzied takeover of the fiscal system could shake confidence in US institutions, which in turn could affect global financial stability. Click to view...

Trump's hint of "selective default" and Musk's frenzied takeover of the fiscal system could shake confidence in US institutions, which in turn could affect global financial stability. Click to view...

2025-02-17 08:32:56
Base Announces Fault proofs Now Available on Mainnet

Base has announced that Fault proofs are live on the Base mainnet, allowing anyone to make or challenge proposals about L2 status in a permissionless manner. Base says that Fault proofs are a fundamental step towards decentralization. Another important step for Base to reach the first stage of decentralization is to add Security Council to its contract upgrade key. Once this step is completed, Base can only perform contract upgrades based on actions taken by Optimism Security Council, which only...

2024-10-30 17:11:11
Base宣布Fault proofs已于主网上线

Base 宣布 Fault proofs 已于 Base 主网上线,使任何人都可以以无需许可的方式提出或质疑有关 L2 状态的 proposal。 Base 表示,Fault proofs 是其迈向去中心化的基础一步。Base 达到第一阶段去中心化的另一个重要步骤是将 Security Council 添加到其合约升级密钥中,一旦这一步完成,Base 只能根据 Optimism Security Council 采取的行动进行合约升级,而 Optimism Security Council 只采取 Optimism Governance...

2024-10-30 17:11:11
Optimism: License-free proof of failure has been re-enabled on the OP mainnet

Optimism announced on the X platform that Permissionless Fault Proofs have been re-enabled on the OP mainnet, and Optimism also announced that the Granite upgrade has been launched on the OP Stack today.

2024-09-11 16:33:29

Optimism 在 X 平台宣布,免许可故障证明(Permissionless Fault Proofs)已在 OP 主网上重新启用,此外 Optimism 还宣布 Granite 升级已于今日在 OP Stack 上启动。

2024-09-11 16:33:29
Apple (AAPL. O) will offer more default browser options for European Union users.

Apple (AAPL. O) will offer more default browser options for European Union users.

2024-08-22 16:00:33
The main contract of the container shipping index (European line) lost 2500.0 points and fell 3.23% during the day.

The main contract of the container shipping index (European line) lost 2500.0 points and fell 3.23% during the day.

2024-08-20 01:01:16
Jupiter: Default gas and slippage settings are conservative and have been temporarily adjusted

Jupiter posted on the X platform that its platform's default gasoline and slippery point settings are relatively conservative. This setting was made to help users save money during normal times, but during market fluctuations, these settings were too low, causing some users to encounter problems. We are very sorry for this. We have temporarily raised these restrictions to help users complete transactions smoothly. We will review related issues in the future.

2024-08-05 04:01:21
CrowdStrike: More than 97% of systems affected by IT failures have been brought back online

CrowdStrike said that as of Thursday, more than 97 percent of the systems affected by the IT glitch had been brought back online. Nearly a week ago, a global IT glitch took a toll on businesses, government entities and air travel around the world. CrowdStrike Chief Executive George Kurtz said the company still had more work to do to repair the impact of Friday's network outage. CrowdStrike said in an incident report earlier this week that the company used...

2024-07-26 16:24:16
The Ministry of Natural Resources is studying the guaranteed housing project "No Fault for the Masses"

On June 24th, in response to the difficulty of real estate registration and certification for guaranteed housing projects, the Ministry of Natural Resources is discussing with relevant parties to achieve "full issuance" under the premise of safety and in accordance with the principle of "no fault of the masses". One of the difficulties in guaranteed housing is that after the delivery of the house, various problems have occurred that affect the registration and certification of real estate. After...

2024-06-24 14:01:34
The Base Sepolia testnet will launch a proof-of-failure system in mid-July

On June 23rd, according to the official announcement, the Fault Proofs system (Fault Proofs) is expected to go live on Base Sepolia (testnet) in mid-July. Fault Proofs are a key implementation on the road to decentralization for L2. They make the method of verifying L2 status more decentralized and pave the way for more community involvement. After going live, Testnet withdrawal changes include: Withdrawals will be proven and finalized according to the Fault Proof system; Withdrawals will no lon...

2024-06-23 10:25:26
Base Sepolia测试网将于7月中旬上线故障证明系统

6月23日消息,据官方公告,故障证明系统(Fault Proofs)预计将于 7 月中旬在 Base Sepolia(测试网)上线。故障证明是 L2 走向去中心化道路上的关键实现。它们使验证 L2 状态的方法更加去中心化,并为更多社区参与铺平了道路。上线后测试网提款变化包括:提款将根据故障证明系统进行证明和最终确定;提款将不再是即时的,至少需要七天才能完成,或可能需要更长时间;DisputeGa...

2024-06-23 10:25:26

7x24 快讯

19:04 2025-02-19
18:36 2025-02-19
18:18 2025-02-19
欧盟《加密资产市场监管法案》(MiCA)合规稳定币发行商名单公布,Circle、Crypto.com、法国兴业银行等 10 家机构获准发行欧元及美元稳定币,共涉及 10 种欧元稳定币与 5 种美元稳定币。而全球最大稳定币发行商 Tether(USDT,市值超 1410 亿美元)未出现在名单上。
18:15 2025-02-19
据机构提交给美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 的 13F 文件数据显示,养老金或对冲基金等大型机构在 2024 年第四季度持有的现货比特币 ETF 规模增加了两倍。 截至 2024 年 Q4,机构投资者持有价值 387 亿美元的现货比特币 ETF。这一数字是 Q3 的三倍多,Q3 报告的持股量仅为 124 亿美元。 其中,威斯康星州投资委员会将其持有的贝莱德 iShares 比特币信托 (IBIT) 股票增至略高于 600 万股。亿万富...
17:57 2025-02-19
据链上数据,Tether 于 3 小时前在以太坊网络通过两笔交易向 Binance 充币地址(Binance: Deposit Funder 1)存入 8 亿枚 USDT。交易哈希分别为: 0x0c4d6256b9d33bb1ac9d41d6526acfa637f5a490b3ab81e0c7726efc43cf3935; 0x1c6411706d0e2654f37bcb7217c9b40121600c3a00f3ad9289cd4318e405edf3。
17:30 2025-02-19
Monad 官方在社交媒体上发文表示,其已向超 880 万个活跃以太坊地址发送测试币,以大约 5,000 TPS 的速度处理的话困难需要 30 分钟的时间,参与者可以注意查看自己的钱包。
16:56 2025-02-19
纳斯达克于周二提交 19b-4 文件,提议新增规则 5712,允许基于数字资产的投资权益(如证券和商品相关产品)上市交易,该提案还将调整 Hashdex 纳斯达克加密货币指数美国 ETF 的上市规则。
16:56 2025-02-19
Coinbase将上线Bittensor (TAO)
Coinbase 宣布将在 Bittensor 网络上增加对 Bittensor (TAO)的支持,请勿通过其他网络发送此资产,否则资金可能会丢失。
16:41 2025-02-19
Vitalik Buterin:以太坊不是一个商业化公司,如果以太坊变成公司将失去存在意义
以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 于在 Tako 平台举办的文字 AMA 中针对“是否认为以太坊需要更商业化的管理?”问题时回答称:“我觉得以太坊是去中心化生态,不是公司,如果以太坊变成公司,我们会失去大部分以太坊的存在意义。其实以太坊生态有好多大的公司:consensys、各个客户端团队(nethermind、nimbus 等等)、Coinbase、L2 团队(包括...
16:35 2025-02-19
以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 于在 Tako...
16:29 2025-02-19
FOX Business 记者 Eleanor Terrett 表示,据多位法律界消息人士透露,SEC 一直在优先处理那些有法庭截止日期的案件,这解释了为什么我们尚未在 Ripple 和 Kraken 的案件中看到暂停请求。 Ripple 的下一个法庭截止日期是 4 月 16 日,而 Kraken 的截止日期似乎是 3 月 31 日。Binance 的案件已被搁置至 4 月 14 日,Lejilex 的案件至 4 月 11 日,而 Coinbase 与 SEC 已同意延长截止日期,允许 S...
16:29 2025-02-19
伯恩斯坦周三发布的一份报告显示,其认为政治和监管力量的‘完美风暴’正在为今年美国稳定币立法创造理想条件。 分析师们补充说,美国可能出台的立法可能会促使主要金融机构评估如何将稳定币发行或结算整合到其商业模式中。此外,预计监管部门将加强对过去‘去银行化’做法的审查,进一步将稳定币发行人、交易所和中介机构纳入传统金融体系。