On May 31st, Polyhedra Network announced the latest upgrade to the Expander toolbox: ExpanderCompilerCollection (ECC), which is designed to convert circuits written in gnark into an intermediate representation (IR) of layered circuits. The technology significantly optimizes proof time while ensuring compatibility with existing solutions. In addition to this, the compatibility of ECC with existing circuit languages has also achieved a key breakthrough, enabling developers to generate GKR proofs a...
5月31日消息,Polyhedra Network 宣布推出Expander工具箱的最新升级:ExpanderCompilerCollection(ECC),ECC专为将gnark编写的电路转换为层状电路的中间表示(IR)而设计。该技术在确保与现有解决方案的兼容性的基础上,大幅优化了证明时间。除此以外,ECC与现有电路语言的兼容性也实现了关键突破,使开发人员能够以更快的速度生成GKR证明。