
"Big bear" Eisman retracts Trump's victory prediction, changes his mouth and says the election result is unpredictable

Steve Eisman, a senior portfolio manager at Lubberman, has now reversed his prediction that Donald Trump would win by saying he does not know who will win the US Presidential Election. In an interview on Thursday, Mr. Eisman said the reason was President Joe Biden's decision to withdraw: "I have withdrawn that prediction". In July this year, Steve Eisman said that whether Biden withdraws or not, Trump...

2024-09-20 04:56:19

路博迈高级投资组合经理Steve Eisman现在改说他不知道谁将赢得美国总统大选,收回了自己此前对唐纳德·特朗普将获胜的预测。Eisman周四接受采访时说原因是现任总统乔·拜登决定退选:“我已经撤回了这个预测”。 今年7月Steve Eisman曾表示不管拜登退不退选,特朗普...

2024-09-20 04:56:19