EigenDA announced on the X platform the launch of the EigenDA Basic Reward Program, which will start rewarding its pledgers and operators with relatively small amounts of ETH per month. The monthly rewards will start at 10 ETH and increase gradually over time.
EigenDA says it is working on permissionless payments for blob throughput on EigenDA, which will be released later this year. When the system is launched, EigenDA will still provide reserved bandwidth at a fixed rate for high-throughput use cases. EigenDA currently consistently generates 0.6 MB/s of synthetic payload and has run load tests on the mainnet at peak throughput of up to 10 MB/s. This compares to Ethereum's 4844 blob throughput of 0.032 MB/s and Celestia's mainnet of 0.16MB/s.
EigenLayer has implemented additional security features for its EigenDA data availability service on the Ethereum mainnet to protect against Sybil and DDoS attacks. According to EigenDA's announcement, this whitelist security measure utilizes IP address or Ethereum address ECDSA authentication to ensure enhanced protection and guarantee secure access to services. ECDSA authentication is a cryptographic method used to authenticate users, devices, or systems.
EigenLayer 为其在以太坊主网上的 EigenDA 数据可用性服务实现了额外的安全功能,以防止 Sybil 和 DDoS 攻击。 根据 EigenDA 的公告,该白名单安全措施利用IP 地址或以太坊地址ECDSA身份认证来确保增强保护并保证服务的安全访问。ECDSA 身份验证是一种用于验证用户、设备或系统身份的加密方法。
EigenDA, the EigenLayer data availability solution, tweeted that it already supports Optimism's new Alt-DA interface for the OP Stack. Developers can configure their sequencer or full node to manage DAblobs via RPC calls to the DAsidecar service.
EigenLayer数据可用性解决方案EigenDA发推称,其已支持Optimism的OP Stack新Alt-DA接口。开发人员可通过对DAsidecar服务的RPC调用,配置其定序器或完整节点来管理DAblob。
4月18日消息,EigenLayer宣布已将EigenDA验证节点的质押门槛从320 ETH下调至96 ETH,该变动将允许更多新的验证节点参与EigenDA的AVS验证服务;再质押用户也可以选择将其代币委托质押总额较少的验证节点,以提高网络的去中心化程度;Rollup则可以通过更大的验证节点集群来获得更好的性能支持。
4月12日消息,EigenLayer于X表示,继数据可用性解决方案 EigenDA 之后,已有六个新的主动验证服务(AVS)上线,分别为聚焦RaaS的AltLayer,聚焦ZKd协处理器的Brevis和Lagrange,聚焦预言机方案的eoracle,聚焦DePIN服务的Witness Chain,以及游戏服务Xterio。
On April 10th, the liquidity re pledge agreement EigenLayer announced the official launch of the Ethereum main network, accompanied by the data availability (DA) service EigenDA launched by the EigenLayer team.
4月10日消息,流动性再质押协议EigenLayer发文宣布,正式上线以太坊主网,此次发布还伴随着EigenLayer团队推出的数据可用性(DA)服务EigenDA。 EigenDA作为主动验证服务(AVS),旨在帮助其他区块链协议存储交易数据和其他信息。EigenLayer的初步发布将限制一些功能,Eigen Labs的首席执行官Sreeram Kannan在上周在...
After the discontinuation of the Goerli test network, EigenLayer has released its retesting protocol and EigenDA data availability solution on the Holesky test network. Now, users can conduct retesting on the Holesky trial website, and operators can integrate with EigenLayer's infrastructure on the Holesky trial website. The Rollup sequencer and all nodes can now interact with EigenDA on Holesky to publish, retrieve, and validate data blobs.
继Goerli 测试网停用后,EigenLayer 在 Holesky 测试网上发布了其重测协议和 EigenDA 数据可用性解决方案。现在,用户可以在Holesky试验网上进行重测,操作人员可以在 Holesky 试验网上与 EigenLayer 的基础设施集成。Rollup测序仪和全节点现在可以与 Holesky 上的 EigenDA 交互,发布、检索和验证数据 Blob。 此次发布还引入了双法定人数(D...