
A man in Columbia County has been sentenced to prison for selling encrypted mining computers that were not shipped and lost contact

A Columbia County man, Drawdy, has been sentenced to federal prison after pleading guilty to failing to deliver expensive computer equipment after selling it to more than 40 customers. U.S. District Court Judge J. Randal Hall also ordered Drawdy to pay restitution totaling more than $1.10 million and receive three years of supervised release upon completion of his sentence. From August 2021 to April 2022, Drawdy participated in an online cryptocurrency discussion forum and received feedback from...

2024-07-24 17:56:57

美国哥伦比亚县的一名男子Drawdy承认向40多名客户销售昂贵的计算机设备后未交付,被判处联邦监禁。美国地区法院法官J.Randal Hall还命令Drawdy支付总额超过110万美元的赔偿金,并在服刑期满后接受三年的监督释放。 从2021年8月到2022年4月,Drawdy参加了一个在线加密货币讨论论坛,并从至少42名受...

2024-07-24 17:56:57

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