Following a court hearing in Ireland, the European Data Protection Commission (DPC) said Elon Musk's social media platform X has agreed to stop collecting and processing user data in the European Union. It is reported that the X platform has agreed to stop processing personal data contained in public posts of its European Union/European Economic Area users between May 7, 2024 and August 1, 2024 for the purpose of training its artificial intelligence Grok.
Social media platform X is under review by the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) following widespread reports that a change in default settings allowed users X data to be fed into the training of artificial intelligence chatbot Grok. Recently, DPC told TechCrunch: "DPC has been in contact with X about this matter for several months, and the most recent interaction took place yesterday. Therefore, we are surprised by the current development. We have followed up with X today and are waiting f...