美国证券交易委员会主席提名人 Paul Atkins 出席参议院银行、住房和城市事务委员会的确认听证会,他表示若提名得到确认,将会与马斯克的政府效率部(DOGE)合作。
Online brokerage Interactive Brokers Group Inc. is adding four cryptocurrencies to its trading platform that have gained much attention during President Donald Trump's embrace of the digital asset space. Customers will be able to access Solana, Cardano, XRP and Dogecoin tokens on the same platform used for stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds and mutual funds, according to a statement released Wednesday by the Greenwich, Connecticut-based company, which already offers Bitcoin, Ethereum, L...
在线券商盈透证券(Interactive Brokers Group Inc.)正在向其交易平台添加四种加密货币,这些加密货币在唐纳德·特朗普总统拥抱数字资产领域期间备受关注。 根据这家总部位于康涅狄格州格林威治的公司周三发布的声明,客户将能够在用于股票、期权、期货、货币、债券和共同基金的同一平台上访问Solana、Cardano、XRP和Dogecoin代币。该公司已经提供比特币、以太坊、莱特币和...
According to Santiment data, DOGE network activity has fallen to its lowest level since October 2024, with only about 66 "whale" transactions per day and fewer than 60,000 active addresses.
据 Santiment 数据显示,DOGE 网络活动已降至 2024 年 10 月以来的最低水平,每天仅有约 66 笔“鲸鱼”交易,活跃地址数量也降至不到 60,000 个。
The Dogecoin Foundation has officially launched the "Official Dogecoin Reserve" through its newly established commercial entity, and has completed the purchase of the first 10 million DOGEs. The initiative is a joint initiative between the Foundation and House of Doge to demonstrate the viability of DOGE as an efficient payment tool. House of Doge said the reserve is a'proof of concept 'for the Dogecoin payment scenario. House of Doge is expected to announce the first strategic partners in the c...
Dogecoin 基金会通过其新设立的商业实体正式推出「官方 Dogecoin 储备」,并已完成首批 1,000 万枚 DOGE 的购入。该举措是基金会与 House of Doge 联合推动的,旨在展示 DOGE 作为高效支付工具的可行性。House of Doge 表示,该储备是 Dogecoin 支付场景落地的‘概念验证’。House of Doge 预计将在未来数月公布首批战略合作伙伴,进一步推动 DOGE 的全球支付应用...
According to NBC News, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the Tesla showroom in Manhattan's Mitt Parkin district today as part of the "Down with Tesla" movement. For weeks, groups including Action Network, People Over Profits, and the Disruption Project have organized protests to denounce Tesla CEO Elon Musk and his involvement with the federal government. In addition to peaceful protests across the country, at least 80 reports of Tesla vehicles being vandalized or set on fire have recently...
据NBC新闻,今天,数百名抗议者聚集在位于曼哈顿米特帕金区的特斯拉展厅外,作为“打倒特斯拉”运动的一部分。几周以来,包括Action Network、People Over Profits和Disruption Project在内的团体组织了抗议活动,谴责特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克及其参与联邦政府的行为。近期,除了全国各地的和平抗议活动外,至少有80起特斯拉汽车遭到破坏或纵火的报道成为美国和加拿大的头...
据PRNewswire报道,日本上市房企Open House Group宣布接受XRP、SOL和DOGE支付,支持国际客户使用相关加密货币购买本地房产,该公司此前已宣布支持BTC和ETH支付并于2022年赞助日本最大的闪电网络社区“Diamond Hands”进行联合研究项目。
President Trump said he met with Musk at the U.S. Department of Defense to discuss cost and DOGE issues.