
Opinion: Bitcoin's market share will not return to 70%, and other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum still have room for growth

August 18 news, Into The Cryptoverse founder Benjamin Cowen said in an interview yesterday: "I don't think Bitcoin's dominance [market share] will return to 70%, I envision a target of 60%." Cowen explained that during "major counterfeit products seasons", such as 2021, Bitcoin's dominance tends to decline, but "slowly" returns to previous levels after the market turns bearish. However, in this cycle, he is more confident that even at the high price, Bitcoin...

2024-08-18 06:30:51

8月18日消息,Into The Cryptoverse创始人Benjamin Cowen昨日在接受采访时表示:“我认为比特币的主导地位(市占率)不会回到70%,我预想的目标是60%。”Cowen解释说,在“主要的山寨币季”,比如2021年,比特币的主导地位倾向于下降,但在市场转熊后“缓慢”恢复到之前的水平。然而,在这个周期中,他更有信心,即使在价格高点,比特...

2024-08-18 06:30:51

7月20日消息,Into the Cryptoverse创始人Benjamin Cowen表示,如果ETH的供应量像4月份以来那样保持每月6万枚的增长,那么到12月,其供应量将恢复到两年前合并(The Merge)时的水平。 以太坊在合并后开始转向通缩,到 2024 年 4 月供应量减少约 455,000 枚。然而从那时起,其供应量再度增加了约 150,000 枚。

2024-07-20 06:00:55

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