
VanEck: Due to the unstable mining revenue, US bitcoin mining companies accelerate the layout of artificial intelligence and high-performance computing business

According to a VanEck report cited by Cryptoslate, bitcoin miners are accelerating their transformation into artificial intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing (HPC) businesses due to volatile transaction fee revenues. The report notes that while network congestion can lead to short-term fee increases, the rise of off-chain solutions such as exchange-traded funds (ETFs), futures markets, two-layer networks, and centralized exchanges has created uncertainty about long-term on-chain reven...

2025-02-21 12:22:47

据Cryptoslate援引VanEck报告显示,由于交易费收入不稳定,比特币矿企正在加速向人工智能(AI)和高性能计算(HPC)业务转型。 报告指出,虽然网络拥堵可能导致短期费用上涨,但交易所交易基金(ETF)、期货市场、二层网络和中心化交易所等链下解决方案的兴起,使得长期链上收入增长存在不确定性。 据悉,Cipher Mining、Iris Energy、Riot Platforms、HIVE Digital Tech...

2025-02-21 12:22:47
Solana's new fee allocation mechanism was implemented for a week, causing annualized inflation to increase by 30.5%.

According to CryptoSlate, annualized inflation in Solana has risen by 30.5% since the implementation of the new priority fee allocation mechanism on February 12. The amount of SOL burned per day has decreased from nearly 18,000 SOL to 1,000 SOL. Blockworks researcher Carlos Gonzalez Campo said that Solana Improvement Proposal 96 (SIMD96), which allocates the entire priority fee of the network to validators and is no longer used for token destruction, has caused the annualized inflation rate to r...

2025-02-20 09:59:19

据CryptoSlate报道,自2月12日实施新的优先费用分配机制后,Solana的年化通胀率上涨30.5%。每天烧毁的SOL数量从近18,000SOL减少到1,000 SOL。 Blockworks研究员Carlos Gonzalez Campo表示,Solana改进提案96(SIMD96)将网络的全部优先费用分配给验证者,不再用于代币销毁,导致年化通胀率从3.6%升至4.7%。

2025-02-20 09:59:19
FBI's special project operation to crack down on crypto fraud has saved thousands of victims from $285 million losses

On February 14th, according to Cryptoslate, according to a press release on February 13th, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has helped thousands of victims avoid hundreds of millions of dollars in losses through "Operation Level Up" (Operation Level Up) to combat crypto investment fraud. The program aims to proactively identify and intervene in fraud traps, and has saved more than 4,300 potential victims and avoided about $285 million in losses. The FBI tracks fraud in real time...

2025-02-14 19:07:04

2月14日消息,据Cryptoslate报道,根据2月13日的新闻稿,美国联邦调查局(FBI)通过“升级行动”(Operation Level Up)打击加密投资欺诈,已帮助数千名受害者避免数亿美元损失。该计划旨在主动识别并介入诈骗陷阱,已挽救4300多名潜在受害者,避免约2.85亿美元损失。FBI实时追踪诈骗行为...

2025-02-14 19:07:04
Russian bitcoin miners fear new mining regedit could lead to security bugs

According to Cryptoslate, Russian bitcoin miners are concerned about government regulations requiring wallet addresses to be included in the national register. Russian MP Anton Gorelkin highlighted these concerns in a Telegram post on February 7, warning that geopolitical rivals could take advantage of the leaked addresses. He described the scenario as follows: This is a significant threat as sanctions could seriously impact mining operations. According to him: "Russian miners are concerned that...

2025-02-08 10:26:47

据Cryptoslate报道,俄罗斯比特币矿工对政府要求将钱包地址纳入国家登记册的规定感到担忧。俄罗斯议员Anton Gorelkin在2月7日的Telegram帖子中强调了这些担忧,并警告称,地缘政治对手可能会利用泄露的地址。他描述了这样一种情景:这是一个重大威胁,因为制裁可能会严重影响挖矿业务。 据他所述:“俄罗斯矿工担心,国家根据...

2025-02-08 10:26:47
Scam Sniffer:1月份加密货币钓鱼诈骗导致的损失达1025万美元

据Cryptoslate报道,区块链安全公司Scam Sniffer报告称,1月份加密货币钓鱼诈骗从9,220名受害者那里窃取了1,025万美元,较12月份的2,358万美元损失下降了56%。然而,报告指出,不法分子正在不断进化并采用更复杂的攻击手段。 根据Scam Sniffer的数据,以太坊用户受钓鱼诈骗影响最大,占被盗资金的80%以上。以太坊上的损失超过860万美元,而BNB Chain和Arbitrum用户分别损失了71万美元和57.2万...

2025-02-05 13:43:44


2025-01-29 13:25:29
Ethereum and Solana pledges are no longer classified as collective investment schemes in the UK

On January 10th, according to CryptoSlate, the UK Treasury has made amendments to the Financial Services and Markets Act (FSMA), which will come into force on January 31st, to exclude cryptocurrency pledges from the classification of collective investment schemes. According to this change, pledges are made in ETH and...

2025-01-10 10:06:15


2025-01-10 10:06:15

1月9日消息,据Cryptoslate引援福克斯商业新闻记者Eleanor Terrett报道,美国当选总统唐纳德·特朗普的过渡团队正在物色对加密货币友好的人选,以担任下一任商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)主席。竞争这一职位的包括现任CFTC委员Summer Mersi...

2025-01-09 08:02:19
Coinbase CEO calls on X platform to adopt USDC for payment integration

On December 31st, according to CryptoSlate, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has expressed interest in integrating Circle's USDC into the payment system of the X platform. In a post on December 29th, Armstrong suggested that USDC payments would be a valuable addition to the platform and called on the X team to explore implementing this feature. Before this public appeal,...

2024-12-31 20:05:02
Coinbase CEO呼吁X平台采用USDC进行支付集成

12月31日消息,据CryptoSlate报道,Coinbase首席执行官Brian Armstrong已表示有意将Circle的USDC集成至X平台的支付系统中。在12月29日的一篇帖子中,Armstrong提出,USDC支付将成为该平台的一个宝贵补充,并呼吁X团队探索实施这一功能。 此公开呼吁之前,...

2024-12-31 20:05:02