Polkadot has released its important product "Agile Coretime", paving the way for the Polkadot 2.0 upgrade. This feature replaces the previous auction system by dynamically allocating computing resources, improving the efficiency, flexibility and scalability of the network. Developers can now acquire block space on demand, reducing costs and avoiding network congestion. This change is particularly friendly to start-up projects, lowering the barrier to entry and opening up more possibilities for i...
On April 27th, PolkaWorld posted that the Coretime transaction on Kusama has started, and the parallel chain era has ended. With the passage and implementation of Kusama Referendum No. 373, the proposal upgrades the Kusama Relay Chain runtime to v1.2.0 and brings the functionality of Coretime. Then, last Friday, the community passed Kusmaa Referendum No. 375, allowing the Coretime chain to start the sale of Coretime. Currently, Kusama is undergoing a Renew Period, that is, the sale of bulk cores...
4月27日消息,PolkaWorld 发文表示,Kusama 上的 Coretime 交易已开始,平行链时代谢幕。随着 Kusama 373 号公投的通过和执行,该提案将 Kusama 中继链运行时升级至 v1.2.0,并带来了 Coretime 的功能。紧接着,在上周五社区又通过了 Kusmaa 375 号公投,允许 Coretime 链开始 Coretime 的销售。当前,Kusama 正在进行续订期(Renew Period),即正在进行批量核心的售卖。
在Kusama上启动Coretime的公投已经开启投票,分别是: Kusama 372号公投将注册Coretime平行链。一旦Coretime平行链被注册,Kusama网络的其他部分就可以升级到版本v1.2.0,这个版本会将所有的租约迁移到Coretime平行链上之后将通过一个单独的公投来启动通过Coretime平行链进行Coretime销售,一切都是基于Fellowship v1....