According to ai_9684xtpa monitoring, Winslow Strong, managing director of Cluster Capital, may be entrusting Amber Group to sell its WBTC, and he has been selected by Arkham as the top 10 whales in the cryptocurrency circle. 15 minutes ago, he transferred 442 WBTC ($27.40 million) to Amber, an address that had previously recharged into Binance every time it received WBTC, with a high probability of selling.
On July 30th, Zheng Zhajie, director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that to accelerate the cultivation and expansion of emerging industries. Implement the national strategic emerging industry cluster development project, consolidate and enhance the competitive advantage of the whole industry chain of new energy vehicles, systematically promote the wide application of Beidou, actively cultivate gazelle enterprises and unicorn enterprises, and guide the healthy and orderly...
According to The Data Nerd, a newly built address cluster has increased its holdings of more than $10 million LINK in the past 24 hours, amounting to 782,000 LINK. Previously, on July 11, 45 new wallets withdrew a total of 968,000 LINK (about $12.40 million) from Binance.
Bitcoin mining company BitCluster has announced a strategic partnership with token mining platform DeMi to convert the computing power of its mining equipment into DEMI tokens as a tangible representation and confirmation of purchasing designated computing power. (Decrypt)
比特币矿企 BitCluster 宣布与代币化挖矿平台 DeMi 达成战略合作伙伴关系,拟将其挖矿设备的算力转化为 DEMI 代币,作为购买指定算力的有形表征和确认。(Decrypt)
OdInjective 在 X 平台宣布多链域名协议 Clusters 已集成 Injective,现支持 Injective 地址,这意味着 Injective 用户和钱包可以在以太坊、Injective 和 Solana 上直接拥有一个共享身份。
Od据官方消息,DePIN 计算证明协议 Cluster Protocol 近日宣布完成种子轮以及战略融资,Pivot Ventures 参投,具体金额暂未披露。此外,Cluster Protocol 还将加入 Pivot 旗下孵化加速计划。 据悉,Cluster Protocol 致力于构建“去中心化人工智能模型的 Github”,通过集成完全同态加密(FHE)为 GPU 提供商提供安全和一致的奖励来确保范式转变,从而为全球个人和中小企业提供支持。