Cryptocurrency concept stocks fell across the board overnight, with Strategy and CleanSpark down more than 8% and Tesla down more than 2%.
On March 9, according to PRNewswire, Nasdaq-listed bitcoin miner CleanSpark announced on the X platform that it has been included in the S & P SmallCap 600 index, which is usually referred to as the "small cap index" and mainly reflects emerging trends and innovative forces in the economy. According to CleanSpark's latest financial report data, its current bitcoin holdings have reached 11,177, with mining output of 624 bitcoins in February and 1,250 bitcoins in fiscal year 2025.
3月9日消息,据PRNewswire报道,纳斯达克上市的比特币矿企CleanSpark在X平台宣布已被纳入标普SmallCap 600指数,标普SmallCap 600指数通常被指为“小型股指数”,主要反应经济中的新兴趋势和创新力量。 据CleanSpark公司最新财报数据显示,目前其比特币持仓已达到11177枚,2月挖矿产出为624枚比特币,2025财年内的挖矿产出为1250枚比特币。
Nasdaq-listed bitcoin miner CleanSpark announced on the X platform that it has been included in the S & P SmallCap 600 index. According to the company's latest financial data, its bitcoin holdings have reached 11,177. The mining output in February was 624 bitcoins, and the mining output in fiscal 2025 was 1,250 bitcoins. The S & P SmallCap 600 index is often referred to as the "small cap index", which mainly reflects emerging trends and innovative forces in the economy.
纳斯达克上市的比特币矿企CleanSpark在X平台宣布已被纳入标普SmallCap 600指数,据该公司最新财报数据显示,目前其比特币持仓已达到11177枚,2月挖矿产出为624枚比特币,2025财年内的挖矿产出为1250枚比特币。标普SmallCap 600指数通常被指为“小型股指数”,主要反应经济中的新兴趋势和创新力量。
7:00-12:00 Keywords: CleanSpark, Trump, Musk 1.Arc: will launch a new token issuance mechanism and the first native project; CleanSpark's bitcoin mining costs fell by 25% in the fourth quarter. 3.Grey released a Cardano ETF on the New York Stock Exchange on Monday. 4. US President Trump: Musk has his own boundaries, and he reports to me. 5. The SEC accepts applications for physical redemption of 21Shares Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs; 6. Bloomberg: Wall Street's mainstream banks are deploying c...
7:00-12:00关键词:CleanSpark 、特朗普、马斯克 1.arc:将推出新代币发行机制和首个原生项目; 2.CleanSpark第四季度比特币挖矿成本下降25%; 3.灰度周一在纽约证券交易所申请上市Cardano ETF; 4.美国总统特朗普:马斯克有自己的界限,他要向我汇报; 5.SEC受理21Shares比特币和以太坊现货ETF实物赎回申请; 6.彭博社:华尔街主流银行布局加密业务,看好特朗普时...
According to TheMinerMag, bitcoin mining company CleanSpark released its fourth-quarter financial report, showing that due to the upgrade of mining machines and the optimization of operating expenses, the company's unit computing cost decreased by about 25%. During the reporting period, the company mined 1,945 bitcoins, and the mining revenue reached 162 million US dollars. The direct production cost of each bitcoin was 36,139 US dollars. According to the financial report, CleanSpark invested $1...
据TheMinerMag报道,比特币矿企CleanSpark发布第四季度财报显示,得益于矿机升级和运营支出优化,公司单位算力成本下降约25%。报告期内,公司开采1,945枚比特币,挖矿收入达1.62亿美元,每枚比特币直接生产成本为36,139美元。 财报显示,CleanSpark第四季度在矿机设备上投资1.92亿美元,将矿机能效提升至19.2J/TH。公司电力和托管成本约为0.0511美元/千瓦时。2025年1月,C...
纳斯达克上市比特币矿企CleanSpark发布截至2025年1月31日的未经审计挖矿和运营更新报告,其中披露该公司1月挖矿产出626枚BTC,1月该公司以平均每比特币约100,412美元的价格出售了22.47枚比特币。截至1 月 31 日,该矿企的比特币总持有量为10,556枚。
US cryptocurrency concept stocks rose strongly, CleanSpark rose more than 18%, MARA Holdings, Strategy, Riot Platforms rose more than 5%, Coinbase rose more than 3%. On the news, Bitcoin is approaching the 100,000 dollar mark.
美股加密货币概念股强势上涨,CleanSpark大涨超18%,MARA Holdings、Strategy、Riot Platforms涨超5%,Coinbase涨超3%。消息面上,比特币逼近10万美元大关。
Bitcoin mining company CleanSpark released the fourth quarter of 2024 financial report, the company's quarterly revenue reached $162.30 million, an increase of 120% year-on-year; net profit of $246.80 million, adjusted EBITDA of $321.60 million. By the end of 2024, the company held 10,500 bitcoins with total assets of $2.80 billion. It is worth noting that CleanSpark only costs about $34,000 per bitcoin to mine.
比特币矿企 CleanSpark 发布 2024 年第四季度财报,该公司季度营收达 1.623 亿美元,同比增长 120%;净利润 2.468 亿美元,调整后 EBITDA 为 3.216 亿美元。 截至 2024 年底,公司持有比特币 10500 枚,总资产达 28 亿美元。值得注意的是,CleanSpark 每枚比特币的开采成本仅约 3.4 万美元。