2月24日消息,Chainflip 官方宣布,在与团队、社区、流动资金提供者、使用 Chainflip 的主要接口以及大多数验证者提供者讨论后,决定将通过协议升级来阻止 Bybit 黑客资金在该协议内的非法流动。 Chainflip 表示,目前大部分代码已经编写完成,需要测试并部署到网络上,升级版本预计将在 24-72 小时内上线。
Cross-Chain Bridge Chainflip Update on Bybit Theft: We have noticed hackers trying to convert Bybit stolen funds into BTC through Chainflip. Currently, we have shut down some front-end services to stop the flow of funds, but since the protocol is fully decentralized and has 150 nodes, we cannot completely shut down the entire system. As a longer-term solution, we are strengthening the ETH broker-level screening mechanism to reject suspicious deposits through the broker-api. Currently, this mecha...
In response to Bybit CEO's request for a freeze, Chainflip said, We have tried our best to handle the current situation, but as a decentralized protocol, we cannot completely block, freeze or redirect any funds. However, at present, we have closed some front-end services to stop the flow of funds.
Cross-chain trading platform CHAINFLIP LABS said in a post that it has been informed of the issues affecting Polkadot after the upgrade, is investigating its impact on Chainflip, and prompts users not to attempt to exchange with DOT.
跨链交易平台 CHAINFLIP LABS 发文表示,已获悉 polkadot 升级后影响其的问题,正在调查它对 Chainflip 的影响,并提示用户不要尝试与 DOT 之间进行交换。
Od跨链交易平台 CHAINFLIP LABS 在 X 平台发文表示,在与流动性提供者讨论后,我们从现在开始将池子的费用降至 0.05%。这是一场测试 ,我们将先运行几周,然后根据需要调整费用结构。