
CaneIsland Alternative Advisors Founder Predicts Bitcoin Will Reach $1.50 million in 2035

Timothy Peterson, founder of CaneIsland Alternative Advisors, said that based on network growth and Metcalfe's Law, bitcoin is predicted to reach $1.50 million in 2035, and Peterson's previous accurate predictions include a rally in 2024 and a $10,000 bitcoin price floor.

2025-01-10 07:44:22
CaneIsland Alternative Advisors创始人:预测比特币将在 2035 年达到 150 万美元

CaneIsland Alternative Advisors创始人Timothy Peterson表示,基于网络增长和梅特卡夫定律,预测比特币将在 2035 年达到 150 万美元,彼得森之前的准确预测包括 2024 年的反弹和 10,000 美元的比特币价格底线。

2025-01-10 07:44:22
Analysis: Bitcoin's current decline is related to seasonal factors, and the launch of the Ethereum Spot ETF is poorly timed

Timothy Peterson, founder of CaneIsland Alternative Advisors, linked the current decline to seasonal factors, as historically Bitcoin has tended to underperform at this time of year. "Our research shows that there has been a trend of underperformance from July 22 to September 22," Peterson said. Peterson added: "Bitcoin's seasonal pattern emerges later in the year and contributes to the subsequent frequent occurrence of'Up◡ (1...

2024-07-25 14:33:59

CaneIsland Alternative Advisors创始人Timothy Peterson将当前比特币下跌与季节性因素联系在一起,因为从历史上看,每年的这个时候比特币往往表现不佳。Peterson称:“我们的研究表明,从7月22日到9月22日,(比特币)表现不佳的趋势一直存在。” Peterson补充说:“比特币的季节性模式在一年中的晚些时候出现,并为随后频繁出现的‘Uptober(1...

2024-07-25 14:33:59

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