
The day Telegram founder Durov was arrested, he had planned to have dinner with French President Emmanuel Macron

According to sources in the French newspaper Canard Chain de l'Elysée, Telegram founder Durov told police that he was supposed to have dinner with French President Emmanuel Macron on the day of his arrest. Paris officials denied the news. Florian Philippot, a French politician, cast doubt on Macron's claims and said on social media X that it was entirely possible for the president to carry out such deception to complete "the master's task". He also demanded an explanation from Macron. Previousl...

2024-08-28 09:12:54

据法国《Canard Chain de l'Elysée》的消息来源,Telegram 创始人 Durov 向警方表示,在他被捕当天,他本应与法国总统马克龙共进晚餐。 巴黎官方否认了这一消息。法国政治家弗洛里安·菲利波特对马克龙的说法表示怀疑,并在社交媒体 X 上表示,总统完全有可能进行这样的欺骗来完成「主人的任务」。他还要求马克龙对此作出解释。 此前,俄罗斯外交部长拉夫...

2024-08-28 09:12:54