"BUSD is a very good dollar-backed stablecoin, but it was killed in Operation Chokepoint 2.0 in the US, but on the bright side, there are now many new stablecoins launched on BSC," Binance founder CZ said in response to community inquiries about BUSD on the X platform. (Note: Operation Chokepoint 2.0 is a liquidation of the cryptocurrency industry led by the Biden administration, which has caused the US Financial Institution Group to not cooperate or provide cryptocurrency project services.)
币安创始人CZ在X平台回应社区询问稳定币BUSD情况时表示:“BUSD是一种非常优秀的美元支持稳定币,但是在美国的Operation Chokepoint 2.0行动中被扼杀,但从好的方面来看,现在有许多新的稳定币在BSC上推出。”(注:Operation Chokepoint 2.0是一项由拜登政府主导的针对加密货币行业的清盘行动,让美国金融机构不配合或不提供加密货币项目服务。)
CryptoQuant analysts have posted that after the BUSD crash, Binance's new stablecoin, FDUSD (First Digital USD), has rapidly gained market share and now accounts for 48% of the trading volume of BTC pairs on the Binance platform, surpassing USDT's 42%. This development highlights the growing trust of FDUSD as a stable, dollar-pegged cryptocurrency, especially in the high-volume BTC market.
CryptoQuant分析师发文称,在BUSD崩盘后,币安推出的新稳定币FDUSD(First Digital USD)市场份额迅速崛起,目前在币安平台上与BTC交易对的交易量中占据了48%的份额,超越USDT的42%。这一发展凸显了FDUSD作为稳定、美元挂钩加密货币的日益增长的信任度,尤其是在高交易量BTC市场。
Or influenced by BUSD being recognized as a non-security, BNB broke through $545 in the short term and is now trading at $540, a 24-hour increase of 2.52%.
Market information shows that BUSD has a small premium, once rose to $1.03, now reported at $1.02, a 24-hour increase of 0.5%, the current market value of more than $70 million.
On June 17, BounceBit announced a partnership with FreeTech to enhance the BounceBit ecosystem through fast and secure cross-chain transactions that support BBTC and BBUSD. Users can now directly exchange BBTC and BBUSD to Bounce BitChain.
6月17日消息,BounceBit宣布与FreeTech合作,旨在通过支持BBTC和BBUSD的快速、安全跨链交易增强BounceBit生态系统,用户现在可以直接将BBTC和BBUSD兑换到Bounce BitChain。
On June 4th, BounceBit announced a partnership with Ethena Labs, pledging BBUSD to earn sUSDe income rewards. In addition to native sUSDE income, you will also get 5x Sats/day, as well as BB rewards.
据官方消息,BounceBit宣布BBTC和BBUSD提现已经开放,账户可以登录BounceBit门户在BNB Chain或以太坊上发起提现。BounceBit表示鼓励用户尝试提现,目的是评估其CeDeFi系统的流入和流出过程,BounceBit提醒,如果用户此前在 Premium Yield进行了质押,首先必须取消质押和/或取消委托才能进行BBTC或BBUSD提现。
Od据官方消息, BSC跨链交易平台BiSwap发起投票拟不再提供多个BUSD相关的流动性挖矿奖励,拟于UTC时间3月26日12:00投票结束,涉及的交易对包括: 1、Biswap V3: BNB-BUSD (0.08%) 、USDT-BUSD (0.015%) 、CGPT-BUSD (0.08%); 2、Biswap V2: BNB-BUSD、IGU-BUSD、GHNY-BUSD、ALPACA-BUSD、USDT-BUSD、TMT-BUSD、BUSD-GQ。