Burnt Banksy's XION platform has officially launched a user-friendly chain abstraction solution. The team said: "With this launch, XION users are now able to extend the ease of use of blockchain by frictionless sharing of applications, liquidity and assets. More cross-ecosystem, starting with Injective, users can interact with Injective's Talis marketplace via their XION account simply by email, without having to know about cross-bridges, browser plugins, mnemonics, etc., GAS fees, etc."
Burnt Banksy的XION平台正式推出了用户友好的链抽象解决方案,该团队表示:“通过此次推出,XION的用户现在能够通过无摩擦地共享应用程序、流动性和资产来扩展区块链的易用性。更多跨生态系统,从Injective开始,用户只需使用电子邮件即可通过其XION帐户与Injective的Talis市场进行交互,而无需了解跨桥接、浏览器插件、助记词等、GAS费等等。”
Od据官方消息,Burnt 宣布推出 XION Staking Dashboard,由 Generalized Abstraction 提供支持。