On June 5th, according to official news, the BTCLayer2 project BEVM recently announced the launch of the $60 million Visionary Builders Ecological Project Incentive Program (BVB Program), covering 17 tracks such as DEX, Lending, Stable Coin, Derivatives, Launchpad, and Staking Protocol. The program will screen top projects, award BVB honors and provide corresponding rewards, and introduce a community user chain voting mechanism. Users who participate in the voting can get ordinary-runes rewards ...
6月5日消息,据官方消息,近日BTCLayer2项目BEVM宣布启动价值6000万美元的Visionary Builders生态项目激励计划(BVB计划),涵盖DEX、Lending、Stable Coin、Derivatives、Launchpad、Staking Protocol等17个赛道。该计划将筛选顶级项目,授予BVB荣誉并提供相应的奖励,同时引入社区用户链上投票机制,参与投票的用户可获得Ordinals-runes奖励和BEVM代币空投。 BVB计...
OdThe Sandbox 宣布,为庆祝 The Sandbox Map 的发布体验已达到 1000 次里程碑,并将在建造者挑战赛(Builders' Challenge)奖励池中新增 50 万枚 SAND,当前该奖池规模达到 150 万枚 SAND。
Od据官方消息,The Sandbox 宣布其 The Sandbox Map 的发布体验已达到 1000 次里程碑,并将在 Builders' Challenge 奖励池中新增 50 万枚 SAND,当前该奖池规模达到 150 万枚 SAND。