
CZ retweets a tweet about Ross Ulbricht, reaffirming the early spirit of Bitcoin

On January 22nd, Binance CEO CZ recently reviewed the spiritual core of Bitcoin's early days with Vijay Boyapati's tweet about Ross Ulbricht. The tweet mentioned that Ross Ulbricht, as a symbolic figure in the early days of Bitcoin, has attracted much attention for creating decentralized markets such as Silk Road and advocating the freedom of peaceful and voluntary transactions. He has expressed his deep belief in freedom through articles and hopes to make the world a better place through Bitcoi...

2025-01-22 08:34:06
CZ转发关于Ross Ulbricht的推文,重申比特币早期精神

1月22日消息,币安CEO CZ近日了Vijay Boyapati关于Ross Ulbricht的推文,回顾了比特币早期的精神内核。推文中提到,Ross Ulbricht作为比特币早期的象征性人物,因创建Silk Road等去中心化市场,倡导和平与自愿交易的自由理念而备受关注。他曾通过文章表达对自由的深刻信仰,并希望通过比特币推动世界变得更好。 ...

2025-01-22 08:34:06

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