According to Decrypt, US authorities have dropped charges against the founder of decentralized social network BitClout, according to court documents. Last year, the federal government filed a telegraphic transfer fraud charge against Nader Al-Naji, accusing him of defrauding investors of $3 million through his crypto project. The Department of Justice at the time accused Nader of "obtaining millions of dollars through lies and then giving the money to family and friends" and using investors' cas...
据Decrypt报道,根据法庭文件显示,美国当局已撤销对去中心化社交网络BitClout创始人的指控。去年,联邦政府对Nader Al-Naji提出了一项电汇欺诈指控,指控他通过其加密项目诈骗了投资者300万美元。美国司法部当时指控Nader“通过谎言获取了数百万美元,然后将这些钱给了家人和朋友”,并将投资者的现金用于奢侈的生活方式。
21:00-7:00 Keywords: Circle, Harris, BitClout, Bahamas 1. Harris: has not yet chosen a running mate. The Bahamas has introduced the Digital Asset DARE 2024 Act. 3. The SEC publishes an investor information page affected by Terraform. 4. Sources: Circle's pre-IPO valuation is about $5 billion; 5. The Bank of Italy has developed a new licensing consensus agreement for the central bank's DLT system. 6. The SEC has accused the founder of BitClout of running a fraudulent cryptoasset scheme. 7. The Un...
BitClout founder Nader Al-Naji has been charged by the Securities Exchange Commission with running a multi-million dollar fraudulent crypto asset scheme involving a social media platform called BitClout and its namesake native token, BTCLT. The Securities Exchange Commission alleged that Al-Naji raised more than $257 million through unregistered BTCLT offerings and sales, while falsely claiming that the proceeds would not be used to compensate him or other BitClout employees. In fact, Al-Naji wi...