Well-known cryptocurrency KOL Ben Armstrong (BitBoy) was arrested by the police today after a clash with employees at a Popeyes restaurant. The live video shows him getting emotional and confronting the staff. The specific reason for the clash is yet to be disclosed by the police. As a KOL with millions of followers, the incident has triggered widespread discussion in the crypto community.
知名加密货币 KOL Ben Armstrong(BitBoy)今日在Popeyes餐厅与员工发生冲突后被警方逮捕。现场视频显示其情绪激动并与工作人员对峙,具体冲突原因尚待警方披露。作为拥有百万粉丝的KOL,该事件已引发加密社区广泛讨论。
据Farside Investors监测数据,昨日BITB净流出8830万美元,BTC净流出8580万美元。
According to Farside Investors monitoring data, yesterday BITB net inflow of $24.10 million, BTC net outflow of $61.10 million, GBTC net outflow of $33.50 million.
According to Farside Investors, BITB had a net outflow of $112.70 million yesterday.
Cryptocurrency analyst Axel Bitblaze said that historically, the January bitcoin sell-off has been a common occurrence in the years following the halving, and exemplifies the new highs that followed the 2017 and 2021 sell-offs. 1. In January 2021, the next most recent year after the halving, the bitcoin price fell by more than 25% from more than $40,000 to just over $30,000 by the end of the month. By November, the bitcoin price surged 130% to a new all-time high of $69,000. In January 2017, a y...
加密货币分析师Axel Bitblaze表示,从历史上看,1 月份比特币抛售是减半后几年的常见现象,并且举例说明 2017 年和 2021 年抛售之后市场都出现了新高点: 1、2021 年 1 月,即减半后的下一个最新年份,比特币价格从 40,000 多美元下跌逾 25%,至月底略高于 30,000 美元。到 11 月,比特币价格飙升 130%,创下 69,000 美元的历史新高。 2、2017 年 1 月,即 2016 年减半后的一年,比特币暴跌 3...
According to Farside Investors monitoring data, yesterday BITB net outflow of 113.80 million dollars.
According to the average data from Apollo and BiTBO, the US Spot Bitcoin ETF absorbed a whopping 51,500 BTC in December, while miners produced nearly 14,000 BTC that month. The purchase volume of the US Spot Bitcoin ETF was almost three times that of miners.
According to Bloomberg end point data, yesterday's BITB net outflow 280.70 million dollars.