
Author Benjamin Wallace will release his new book, The Mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto, on March 18.

Writer Benjamin Wallace's forthcoming book, The Mysterious Mr. Nakamoto (The Mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto), will be released on March 18, delving into the mystery of the identity of the founder of Bitcoin. Although the book fails to reveal the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, it provides a detailed review of the Cypherpunk movement and the birth of Bitcoin, and analyzes potential candidates such as Hal Finney, Nick Szabo, and Len Sassaman. Wallace uses text style analysis in his book...

2025-03-17 19:35:35
作家Benjamin Wallace将于3月18日发布新书《神秘的中本聪》

作家Benjamin Wallace即将于3月18日发布新书《The Mysterious Mr. Nakamoto》(神秘的中本聪),深入调查比特币创始人的身份之谜。虽然书中未能揭示中本聪的真实身份,但详细回顾了密码朋克(Cypherpunk)运动及比特币的诞生背景,并分析了Hal Finney、Nick Szabo、Len Sassaman等潜在候选人。 Wallace在书中使用文本风格分析...

2025-03-17 19:35:35
Argentina promotes local implementation of cryptocurrency-powered reforms through the "Crecimiento" movement

On August 26th, CoinDesk columnist Benjamin Schiller wrote that Argentina is now on the verge of a technological renaissance. Argentina has long been a symbol of economic instability, but now it is becoming an experimental ground for global economic transformation through cryptocurrencies. In the context of soaring inflation and high debt, Argentina is using cryptocurrencies as a tool to stabilize the economy and drive growth. With the United States...

2024-08-26 03:49:04

8月26日消息,CoinDesk专栏作者Benjamin Schiller发文称,阿根廷现在正处于科技复兴的边缘。长久以来,阿根廷一直是经济不稳定的象征,但现在,它正通过加密货币成为全球经济转型的实验场。在通货膨胀飙升和债务压顶的背景下,阿根廷正将加密货币作为稳定经济和推动增长的工具。随着美...

2024-08-26 03:49:04
Opinion: Bitcoin's market share will not return to 70%, and other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum still have room for growth

August 18 news, Into The Cryptoverse founder Benjamin Cowen said in an interview yesterday: "I don't think Bitcoin's dominance [market share] will return to 70%, I envision a target of 60%." Cowen explained that during "major counterfeit products seasons", such as 2021, Bitcoin's dominance tends to decline, but "slowly" returns to previous levels after the market turns bearish. However, in this cycle, he is more confident that even at the high price, Bitcoin...

2024-08-18 06:30:51

8月18日消息,Into The Cryptoverse创始人Benjamin Cowen昨日在接受采访时表示:“我认为比特币的主导地位(市占率)不会回到70%,我预想的目标是60%。”Cowen解释说,在“主要的山寨币季”,比如2021年,比特币的主导地位倾向于下降,但在市场转熊后“缓慢”恢复到之前的水平。然而,在这个周期中,他更有信心,即使在价格高点,比特...

2024-08-18 06:30:51
Magnet Capital联席CIO:预计特朗普政府领导下,加密市场的可投资性将大大提高

Magnet Capital的联席首席投资官Benjamin Celermajer表示:“我们预计,在特朗普政府的领导下,市场的可投资性将大大提高。”他说,他预计具有“真正价值驱动力”的代币将表现出色,并以与Maker、Aave和Lido协议相关的代币为例。Benjamin Celermajer补充称,相比之下,目前对哈里斯在加密货币问题上的立场知之甚少,她对该行业既没有表示太多的支持,也没有表示太多的反对。

2024-07-22 02:03:40

7月20日消息,Into the Cryptoverse创始人Benjamin Cowen表示,如果ETH的供应量像4月份以来那样保持每月6万枚的增长,那么到12月,其供应量将恢复到两年前合并(The Merge)时的水平。 以太坊在合并后开始转向通缩,到 2024 年 4 月供应量减少约 455,000 枚。然而从那时起,其供应量再度增加了约 150,000 枚。

2024-07-20 06:00:55