On February 9, according to Fortune, at a conference held in AxelSpringer, Germany, Musk first expressed his views on the topic of acquisition TikTok. He said he had not made a takeover offer for TikTok and had no relevant plans. Musk said he personally does not use TikTok, saying: "I am not enthusiastic about acquiring TikTok, I usually prefer to build companies from scratch." Earlier, it was reported that Chinese officials were evaluating the possibility of Musk buying TikTok U.S. business, an...
2月9日消息,据 Fortune 报道,在德国 AxelSpringer 举办的一场会议上,马斯克首次就收购 TikTok 话题发表看法。他表示未对 TikTok 提出收购要约,也没有相关计划。马斯克称自己个人不使用 TikTok,并表示:“我对收购 TikTok 并不热衷,我通常倾向于从零开始打造公司。” 此前有报道称中国官员正在评估由马斯克收购 TikTok 美国业务的可能性,若 TikTok 未能成功应对禁令,可能由 马斯...