
Crypto trading firm Auros Global or one of the RED market makers

According to ZFW Chain Hub, Auros Global should be one of the RED market makers. 24 hours ago, it received a total of 1.50 million RED from the project party's multi-signature address, and successively charged RED into Binance, Kucoin, Kraken and other trading platforms.

2025-03-06 17:03:41
加密交易公司Auros Global或是RED做市商之一

据 ZFW Chain Hub 表示,Auros Global 应该是 RED 做市商之一,24 小时前一共收到项目方多签地址转入的 150 万枚 RED,并且陆续将 RED 充入 Binance、Kucoin、Kraken 等交易平台。

2025-03-06 17:03:41
Digital Asset Trader Auros to Invest Over $50 million in Crypto Startups

Crypto trading firm and market maker Auros said its newly formed venture capital arm plans to invest more than $50 million of its own capital in early-stage digital asset ventures over the next two years. To lead the investment effort, the firm appointed Julien Auchecorne, who previously worked at hedge fund Brevan Howard and digital asset services platform XBTO International, as well as other crypto and traditional investment firms, as head of Auros Ventures. This expansion also marks a milesto...

2024-07-08 13:06:56
数字资产交易商 Auros 将向加密初创公司投资超 5000 万美元

加密交易公司和做市商 Auros 表示,其新成立的风险投资部门计划在未来两年内向早期数字资产企业投资超过 5000 万美元的自有资本。为了领导投资工作,该公司任命 Julien Auchecorne 为 Auros Ventures 负责人。Auchecorne 之前曾在对冲基金 Brevan Howard 和数字资产服务平台 XBTO International 以及其他加密和传统投资公司任职。 此次扩张也标志着 Auros 转型的一个里程碑...

2024-07-08 13:06:56

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