
Asymmetric founder: 25 basis points rate cut could be bad for the cryptocurrency market

Joe McCann, founder and CEO of cryptocurrency hedge fund Asymmetric, said a 25 basis point rate cut could be bad for the cryptocurrency market. "If the Fed cuts interest rates by 25 basis points, the stock market will take a big hit. Cryptocurrencies could fall with it. The reason is that if you cut interest rates by 50 basis points, the stock market will be at an all-time high," McCann said. But he added that if the Fed cuts interest rates by 50 basis points, it could have a positive impact on ...

2024-09-18 06:16:55
Asymmetric 创始人:降息25个基点可能对加密货币市场不利

加密货币对冲基金Asymmetric 创始人兼首席执行官乔·麦肯 (Joe McCann) 表示,降息25个基点可能对加密货币市场不利。 麦肯认为:“如果美联储降息25个基点,股市将受到严重打击。加密货币可能会随之下跌。原因是,假设降息50个基点,股市将处于历史高位。” 但他补充道,如果美联储降息50个基点,这可能会对加密货币等风险资产产生积极影响。

2024-09-18 06:16:55
Circle fixes Noble-CCTP critical vulnerability without loss in capital

Blockchain security firm Asymmetric Research discovered a critical vulnerability in Circle's Noble-CCTP and has privately notified Circle. The vulnerability has been promptly fixed and no user loss in capital or malicious attacks have occurred. The vulnerability lies in the Noble-CCTP component of the USDC cross-chain transfer protocol. The security firm discovered that malicious actors could counterfeit USDC tokens on the Noble Bridge by bypassing the message sender verification process. This v...

2024-08-27 22:29:58

区块链安全公司Asymmetric Research在Circle的Noble-CCTP中发现了一个关键漏洞,并已私下通知Circle。该漏洞已被及时修复,没有用户资金损失或恶意攻击发生。 漏洞存在于USDC跨链转移协议的Noble-CCTP组件上。安全公司发现,恶意行为者可能通过绕过消息发送者验证过程,在Noble桥上伪造USDC代币。这一漏洞允许任何发送者通过未经验...

2024-08-27 22:29:58
Founder of Asymmetric Financial: Two of its funds are still investing in bitcoin while increasing their holdings of Solana

Joe McCann, founder, CEO and chief investment officer of Asymmetric Financial, revealed that his firm, which manages two liquid funds with nine-figure and eight-figure asset management (AUM), is still investing in bitcoin while increasing its holdings of Solana. Joe McCann said he believes SOL has the potential to surpass ETH. In addition, Kyle Samani, Managing Partner of Multicoin Capital, expressed increased confidence in decentralized physical and virtual infrastructure network projects (DePI...

2024-08-11 14:53:14
Asymmetric Financial创始人:旗下两支基金仍在投资比特币,同时增持Solana

Asymmetric Financial创始人、首席执行官兼首席投资官Joe McCann透露,他的公司管理着两只流动基金,资产管理规模 (AUM) 分别为9位数和8位数,目前仍在投资比特币,同时增持Solana。Joe McCann表示,他认为SOL有可能超越ETH。 此外,Multicoin Capital执行合伙人Kyle Samani则表达了对去中心化物理和虚拟基础设施网络项目(DePIN 和 DeVIN)以及稳定币的信心增强,而Pantera Capital的投资组合经理Cosmo Jia...

2024-08-11 14:53:14

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