ARK Investment Management宣布将旗下三只创新交易所交易基金ARKW、ARKK和ARKF的主上市地点从NYSE Arca更改为芝加哥期权交易所Cboe BZX Exchange,这三只基金预计在3月26日按照当前股票代码进行交易。根据三月初数据显示,Coinbase目前是ARKW基金的第六大持仓,占比6%,市值约9901万美元;ARKB基金中比特币ETF依然是最大持仓,市值约1.698亿美元。
StarkWare, the protocol contributor and developer behind Starknet, announced that it has established a "strategic bitcoin reserve" and will hold more funds in the form of BTC in the future. StarkWare was valued at $8 billion in the last round of investment and is a core contributor to Ethereum Layer 2 Starknet. In the past few years, the company has invested more time and resources in bitcoin research. At present, StarkWare has not disclosed the specific details of how many bitcoins it holds or ...
Starknet 背后的协议贡献者及开发公司 StarkWare 宣布已建立“战略比特币储备”,后续将更多资金以 BTC 形式持有,StarkWare 在上一轮投资中的估值为 80 亿美元,是以太坊第 2 层 Starknet 的核心贡献者,在过去几年中,该公司投入了更多时间和资源进行比特币研究,目前 StarkWare 尚未透露其持有或计划收购多少比特币的具体细节。
StarkWare co-founder and CEO Eli Ben-Sasson wrote on the X platform that Vitalik Buterin has led Ethereum through many crises, everything will be fine, Ethereum will survive and solve problems, although I don't know how it will happen and I'm not involved, but people need strong Ethereum.
StarkWare联合创始人兼首席执行官Eli Ben-Sasson在X平台发文阐述Starknet的下一篇章,他表示新的STARK证明器Stwo将于2025年第二季度登陆Starknet和StarkEx系统主网,有望为游戏、DeFi等提供更快的客户端证明,在所有Rollup中Starknet的用户操作平均成本最低。Eli Ben-Sasson还称,目前STRK第一阶段质押量已超过1.6亿枚,质押用户超6万个;Starknet即将成为第一个同时在比特币和以太坊上结算的...
StarkWare announced the launch of a $4 million venture capital fund to accelerate blockchain innovation in Africa, led by Kheireddine Kamal, with a single grant of up to $150,000 for efficient infrastructure projects built directly on Starknet or on Starknet Application Chain/L3.
StarkWare said in a post on the X platform that it has jointly launched the Agent Hackathon with Realms, with a prize pool of $250,000, and will have direct guidance from Eliza's core contributors.
StarkWare has announced that computer science professor Moni Naor has joined its scientific board as a principal investigator. At StarkWare, he will focus on topics such as Bitcoin cryptography and decentralization of Starknet. StarkWare says Moni has made pioneering contributions to computer science, including pioneering research on public key systems that are resistant to selected ciphertext attacks, non-scalable cryptography, visual cryptography, and innovative methods of authenticating human...
StarkWare CEO Eli Ben Sasson told Cointelegraph during DevCon 2024 that Starknet's transaction speed is expected to increase by a factor of 4 over the next 3 months, while transaction fees will decrease by a factor of 5. This improvement is primarily due to better compilation and faster execution of its native smart contract language, Cairo. Starknet plans to increase transaction speed to over 1000 TPS, which rivals the performance of Solana. Currently, the average transaction fee on Starknet is...
StarkWare 的首席执行官 Eli Ben Sasson 在 DevCon 2024 期间对 Cointelegraph 表示,Starknet 的交易速度预计将在未来 3 个月内提高 4 倍,同时交易费用将下降 5 倍。这一改进主要来自于其原生智能合约语言 Cairo 的更好编译和更快执行。Starknet 计划将交易速度提升至超过 1000 TPS,与 Solana 的性能相媲美。目前,Starknet 的平均交易费用仅为 0.002 美元,预计这将会进...