Developer SDK security company Arcjet completed a $3.60 million seed round of financing. Zane Lackey, general partner of a16z Crypto, Geoff Belknap, former chief information security officer of LinkedIn, Nicolas Dessaigne, co-founder of Algolia, and Sue Odio, chief operating officer of Stellate, and SeedCamp participated in the investment. The specific valuation information has not been disclosed. The company is building a set of core security components that allow developers to easily integrate...
开发者SDK安全公司Arcjet完成360万美元种子轮融资,a16z Crypto普通合伙人Zane Lackey、LinkedIn 前首席信息安全官Geoff Belknap 、Algolia 联合创始人Nicolas Dessaigne和Stellate 首席运营官Sue Odio 、以及SeedCamp等参投,具体估值信息暂未披露,该公司正在构建一套核心安全组件,使开发人员无需修改架构即可轻松将保护功能集成到其应用程序中,并且能够直接在代码中应对安全挑战。