At the Polkadot Decoded Asia conference in Singapore, JSquare's Angela served as the moderator of the roundtable discussion, leading several guests to share their organizations' reflections on investing in the Polkadot ecosystem. Terry Culver of Digital Finance Group points out that Boca strikes a good balance between sustainability and safety, and is very willing and adept at connecting investors with Boca's ecosystem. Isaac of SNZ Capital mentioned that the diversity of the polka ecosystem enh...
在新加坡举办的Polkadot Decoded Asia大会中,JSquare的Angela担任圆桌讨论主持人,带领几位嘉宾分享了他们所在机构对波卡生态投资的思考。 Digital Finance Group的Terry Culver指出,波卡在可持续性和安全性之间达成了良好的平衡,并且非常愿意且擅长将投资者与波卡生态项目方紧密联系。 SNZ Capital的Isaac提到,波卡生态的多样性增强了生态的稳定...
A government statement revealed that Angela Rayner has been appointed as the new Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.