Tether Strategy and VanEck advisor GaborGurbacs wrote on the X platform that one of the biggest mistakes the cryptocurrency industry has made is failing to self-regulate. We end up with too much regulation + top-down high influence, and too many scams/scammers. Only balanced, market-driven self-regulation can bring lasting staying power.
Tether策略及VanEck顾问GaborGurbacs于X平台发文表示,加密货币行业犯下的最大错误之一就是未能自我监管。我们最终面临过多的监管 + 自上而下的高影响力,同时也出现了太多的骗局/骗子。 只有平衡的、市场驱动的自我监管才能带来持久的持久力。
Matthew Sigel, Chief Research Officer of VanEck Digital Assets, wrote on the X platform that Bloomberg legal analysts see a 30% chance of the federal government buying bitcoin this year. He believes Trump will not invest political capital in legislation because he can achieve it unilaterally through an Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) if he wishes.
VanEck 数字资产研究总监 Matthew Sigel 在 X 平台发文称,彭博法律分析师认为联邦政府今年购买比特币的可能性为 30%。其认为特朗普不会将政治资本投入到立法中,因为如果他愿意的话,可以通过交易所稳定基金(ESF)单方面实现这一目标。
According to market sources, VanEck has filed an S-1 with the SEC for its Avalanche ETF.
The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) delayed approval of the VanEck Spot Solana ETF.
On March 11, according to official registration documents, VanEck has officially registered the VanEck Avalanche ETF in Delaware on March 10.
3月11日消息,据官方注册文件显示,VanEck已于3月10日在特拉华州正式注册成立VanEck Avalanche ETF。
"The combined effect of SIMD 096 and SIMD 0228 is estimated to reduce SOL's annual selling pressure by 677 million to $1.10 billion," said Matthew Sigel, chief research officer at VanEck Digital Assets. "While SIMD 096 increases tax-related selling pressure by eliminating the 50 per cent priority fee destruction mechanism, SIMD 0228 is expected to fully offset this effect." Previously reported, Solana's SIMD 0228 proposal is now open, with the aim of shifting SOL distribution to a market-driven ...
VanEck 数字资产研究总监 Matthew Sigel 表示,“估计 SIMD 096 和 SIMD 0228 的综合效应将使 SOL 的年抛压减少 6.77 亿至 11 亿美元。虽然 SIMD 096 通过取消 50% 优先费销毁机制增加了与税收相关的抛压,但 SIMD 0228 预计将完全抵消这一影响。” 此前报道,Solana 的 SIMD 0228 提案现已开放,旨在将 SOL 发行转向市场驱动模式。...