
Truth Terminal founder announces sale of most of his FARTCOIN holdings

Andy Ayrey, founder of Truth Terminal, announced the sale of most of the FARTCOIN tokens held by the project over the counter. Ayrey said that counterparties have committed to hold these tokens responsibly and will not cause selling pressure on the market. Some of the proceeds from the transaction will be used to increase the holding of GOAT tokens as a thank you to the community driving the development of decentralized AI. The Truth Terminal Foundation currently holds about 0.5% of the GOAT sup...

2025-01-23 07:12:20
Truth Terminal 创始人宣布出售其大部分 FARTCOIN 持仓

Truth Terminal 创始人 Andy Ayrey 宣布通过场外交易出售项目持有的大部分 FARTCOIN 代币。Ayrey 表示,交易对手方已承诺负责任持有这些代币,不会对市场造成抛压。 交易所得部分资金将用于增持 GOAT 代币,以感谢推动去中心化 AI 发展的社区。Truth Terminal 基金会目前持有约 0.5% 的 GOAT 供应量,计划长期持有。该基金会已获得充足资金支持,可进行人才招聘、发放补助金并采购 GPU 设...

2025-01-23 07:12:20
L2 ZKcandy completes $4 million financing

ZKcandy, a gaming-focused layer 2 blockchain powered by ZKsync, today announced the completion of a $4 million private funding round from investors including Wemix Pte. Ltd., Animoca Ventures, Spartan Group, Perlone Capital, Presto Labs, Flowdesk, Prometheuz, Lecca Ventures, and Efficient Frontier. Angel investors and early contributors from Stacks, Analog, Mittaria, Xangle, and Trading Strategies also participated.

2025-01-06 10:48:08
链游 L2 ZKcandy 完成 400 万美元融资

由 ZKsync 提供支持的专注于游戏的第 2 层区块链 ZKcandy 今天宣布完成一轮 400 万美元的私募融资,投资者包括 Wemix Pte. Ltd.、Animoca Ventures、Spartan Group、Perlone Capital、Presto Labs、Flowdesk、Prometheuz、Lecca Ventures 和 Efficient Frontier。来自 Stacks、Analog、Mittaria、Xangle 和 Trading Strategies 的天使投资人和早期贡献者也参与其中。

2025-01-06 10:48:08
The Ministry of Commerce responds to the extension of the European Union brandy anti-dumping investigation

On December 26th, the Ministry of Commerce held a regular press conference. He Yongqian, spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce, said that in response to the application of the domestic brandy industry, the Ministry of Commerce initiated an anti-dumping investigation on the import-related brandy originating in the European Union in January 2024. After filing the case, the Chinese investigation authority carried out the investigation in strict accordance with relevant Chinese laws and regulatio...

2024-12-26 07:33:31
Ministry of Commerce: Decided to extend the anti-dumping investigation period of brandy to April 5, 2024

On December 25, according to the provisions of the Anti-dumping Regulations of the People's Republic of China, on January 5, 2024, the Ministry of Commerce issued the Announcement No. 1 of 2024, deciding to initiate an anti-dumping investigation on the import of related brandy originating in the European Union. In view of the complexity of this case, according to the provisions of Article 26 of the Anti-dumping Regulations of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Commerce decided to ex...

2024-12-25 07:31:36
Andy Ayrey: Truth Terminal treasury funds are being migrated, so users don't need to panic

On November 27, Andy Ayrey, founder of Truth Terminal, said in a post on X that the Truth Terminal treasury has been relocated for the last time, without causing panic due to the change of funds, and is transferring all funds to a proper, globally distributed multi-signature.

2024-11-27 10:22:59
Andy Ayrey:Truth Terminal国库资金正在进行迁移,用户无需恐慌

11月27日消息,Truth Terminal 创始人 Andy Ayrey 于 X 发文表示,Truth Terminal 国库进行最后一次迁移,无需因资金变动引起恐慌,正在将所有资金转移到一个适当的、全球分布的多重签名中。

2024-11-27 10:22:59
Founder of Truth Terminal: There is a problem with the registered domain name, please do not visit

On November 4th, Andy Ayrey, founder of Truth Terminal, wrote on X: "I have a problem with the domain name registered with Truth Terminal, so I don't want to access or trust it for the time being. GoDaddy uses hardware 2FA for protection, but DNS appears to have been stolen and is investigating the incident. Please note that Truth Terminal or I will never publish the CA (contract address). "

2024-11-04 06:44:50
Truth Terminal创始人:注册的域名出现问题,请勿访问

11月4日消息,Truth Terminal创始人Andy Ayrey于X发文表示:“我和Truth Terminal注册的域名出了点问题,暂时不要访问或信任它。GoDaddy使用了硬件2FA进行保护,但DNS似乎已被窃取,正在调查此事件。 请注意,Truth Terminal或我永远不会发布CA(合约地址)。”

2024-11-04 06:44:50
The X account of the founder of Truth Terminal may still be controlled by hackers, please pay attention to screening

The official account of Truth Terminal replied "liar" under the account restoration statement of founder Andy Ayrey, suggesting that Andy's account may still be under the control of the hackers. Previously, Andy's account posted that it had regained control from the hackers, but again posted suspicious wallet addresses in an attempt to induce users to transfer money. Previously, hackers stole Truth Terminal founder Andy Ayrey's X account and released Meme information, earning more than $600,000 ...

2024-10-29 05:43:41
Truth Terminal 创始人的 X 账号或仍由黑客控制,请用户注意甄别

Truth Terminal 官方账号在创始人 Andy Ayrey 的账号恢复声明下回复“骗子(liar)”,暗示 Andy 的账号可能仍在黑客控制之下。此前,Andy 的账号发文称已从黑客手中夺回控制权,但再次发布可疑钱包地址,试图诱导用户转账。 此前消息,黑客盗取 Truth Terminal 创始人 Andy Ayrey 的 X 账号并发布 Meme 信息,在短短 1 小时内赚取超 60 万美元收益。

2024-10-29 05:43:41
Attack Truth Terminal founder X account hacker made more than $600,000 in 1 hour

According to Lookonchain, the hacker who attacked the account of Andy Ayrey X, founder of Truth Terminal, earned $602,500 less than an hour after issuing IB tokens.

2024-10-29 04:04:08
攻击Truth Terminal创始人X账户黑客1小时内获利超60万美元

据Lookonchain监测,攻击Truth Terminal创始人Andy Ayrey X账户的黑客,发布IB代币后不到1小时获利60.25万美元。

2024-10-29 04:04:08
The X account of the founder of Truth Terminal is suspected to have been hacked

On October 29th, Truth Terminal founder Andy Ayrey X account was suspected of being hacked, posting pictures showing IB token related information, the token has been completed in the pump.fun curve.

2024-10-29 02:15:33

7x24 快讯

05:30 2025-03-17
英伟达GTC 2025将开幕,或将推出新量子计算产品路线图
英伟达2025年GTC大会将于3月17日拉开帷幕,CEO黄仁勋的主题演讲定于3月18日举行。此次大会将涉及1000场会议、2000名演讲者和近400家参展商。 美国银行(BAC)分析师在上周三的一份报告中表示,他们“预计英伟达将在Blackwell Ultra上推出颇具吸引力且符合预期的更新”,重点关注推理模型的推理。此外,瑞穗证券分析师Vijay Rakesh在一份报告中推...
05:12 2025-03-17
ai16z创始人:ElizaOS v2 1.0.0版本正在开发中,即将推出测试版体验
ai16z创始人Shaw发推表示,ElizaOS v2 1.0.0版本正在开发中,即将推出测试版体验。在最终发布之前还有很多工作要做,新版本将会有一个app.exe,这样任何人都可以运行代理,而不需要任何繁琐的程序。
05:12 2025-03-17
05:03 2025-03-17
Coinbase CEO:公司目前已与美国145个政府机构和美国境外29个政府机构合作
Coinbase首席执行官Brian Armstrong在近日X平台发文称,在美国联邦政府、州政府和地方政府方面,Coinbase目前已与美国145个政府机构和美国境外29个政府机构合作;随着美国战略比特币储备的启动,我们看到越来越多的政府对此感兴趣。
04:53 2025-03-17
据Coinglass数据,若比特币突破8.5万美元,主流CEX累计空单清算强度将达7.44亿。 反之,若比特币跌破8.2万美元,主流CEX累计多单清算强度将达4.14亿。
04:41 2025-03-17
04:32 2025-03-17
据Coinglass数据显示,过去24小时,加密现货资金净流入榜如下: BNB净流入2057万美元; OM净流入1025万美元; BNX净流入861万美元; APEX净流入707万美元; BTC净流入324美元。 加密现货资金净流出榜如下: ETH净流出5272万美元; SOL净流出1930万美元; PEPE净流出1727万美元; DOGE净流出1557万美元; TRUMP净流出1302万美元。
04:26 2025-03-17
04:05 2025-03-17
休眠3年的钱包地址清仓1014.67枚ETH,获利12.6 万美元
04:02 2025-03-17
金色午报 | 3月17日午间重要动态一览
7:00-12:00关键词:美联储、Mirror、Debiex 1.巴克莱:风险倾向于美联储今年推迟降息; 2.韩国央行:从未考虑过将比特币纳入外汇储备; 3.特朗普前妻呼吁美国总统“撤销对Roger Ver的诉讼”; 4.Mask Network创始人:Mirror平台的文章已两个月未上链; 5.美联储议息前瞻:鲍威尔仅能有限安抚市场,威胁主要来自白宫; 6.加密平台Debiex在美CFTC“杀猪盘”...
03:56 2025-03-17
神鱼:Strategy将比特币高波动率放大 2.5 倍传递给美股市场,专业机构利用这种高波动性进行套利
据 Cobo 联合创始人兼首席执行官神鱼分析,Strategy (MSTR) 通过巧妙设计将比特币高波动率放大 2.5 倍传递给美股市场。 专业机构利用这种高波动性进行套利,获取短期利润;MSTR 通过发行可转债和 ATM 增发获得现金用于大量囤积比特币;普通股东则承受剧烈股价波动和短期下跌风险,但被动获得每股比特币增多的"比特币收益";比特币持有者则受益于持续的市场资金流入和比...
03:50 2025-03-17
游戏平台 Wemix 于 2 月遭黑客攻击损失 622万美元,CEO 承认通知迟缓但否认有意隐瞒
据韩联社报道,Wemade旗下区块链子公司Wemix基金会代表金锡焕在紧急会议上承认因黑客攻击损失约865万枚WEMIX代币(价值约 622万美元)。 黑客于2月28日通过窃取NFT平台"Nile"的认证密钥,攻击了Play Bridge Vault系统。金锡焕解释延迟通知是担心引发更多攻击和市场恐慌,强调"绝对没有想过或试图掩盖事件"。