The statement shows that AMD (AMD. O) will lay off about 4% of its global workforce.
AMD (AMD. O) 2024 Q3 revenue 6.819 billion dollars, the same period last year 5.80 billion dollars, the market is expected to 6.70 billion dollars.
AMD (AMD. O) expects fourth-quarter revenue of $7.50 billion.
On October 30, sources: OpenAI is using chips from AMD (AMD. O), and is also using chips from NVIDIA (NVDA. O). OpenAI has booked the production capacity of TSMC in 2026. Broadcom (AVGO. O) and OpenAI are developing an artificial intelligence reasoning chip.
According to sources, OpenAI is using chips from AMD (AMD. O) and is also using chips from NVIDIA (NVDA. O). OpenAI has booked TSMC's capacity in 2026. Broadcom (AVGO. O) and OpenAI are developing an artificial intelligence reasoning chip.
AMD CEO Su Zifeng said that the demand for AI accelerators has exceeded expectations; it is expected that by 2028, the AI accelerator market will reach 500 billion US dollars.
【每日科技要闻速递:AMD和微软绩后冰火两重天、英特尔计划裁员数千人】1. 微软Azure云增长放缓并略微不及预期,微软盘后一度跌超7%。2. OpenAI推出语音助手服务,此前因安全相关问题而推迟。3. AMD上调数据中心GPU营收指引,股价盘后涨超9%。4. 《深圳市加快打造人工智能先锋城市行动方案》印发,2024年建成并投入运营算力规模达4000PFLOPS。其他要闻:1. SpaceX星舰静态点火测试成功,第五次试飞进入倒计时。2. 微软云Azure出现故障,星巴克等受影响。3. 车市价格战还打吗?大众、零跑被传涨价。4. 英特尔计划裁员数千人以降低成本,为转型提供资金。5. 小鹏MONA M03将在8月正式上市,与大众合作的首款车型有望24个月内量产落地。6. 特斯拉召回185万辆美国车辆,原因是未锁上的引擎盖会完全打开。7. 美国参议院以压倒性多数通过了一项立法,让科技公司对有害内容负责。8. 特朗普竞选团队在2024年比特币大会上筹集了2100万美元。9. 数百名商家聚集Temu总部,拼多多回应:“平台不会去赚商家违规罚款这个钱”。
AMD (AMD. O) 2024 Q2 revenue of $5.80 billion, the market is expected to 5.72 billion dollars, the same period last year 5.40 billion dollars.
AMD (AMD. O) expects third-quarter 2024 revenue of $6.40 billion - $7 billion, with market expectations of $6.62 billion.