
Opinion: MiCA brings clarity, but stablecoin restrictions need to be improved

Jason Allegrante, Chief Legal and Compliance Officer at Fireblocks, wrote that the European Union's Crypto Asset Market Regulation (MiCA), which will be implemented this summer, is an important milestone for the crypto industry. While the MiCA wisely excludes decentralized smart contracts and NFTs, there are problems with the issuance and trading restrictions on stablecoins such as USDT, USDC, and BUSD. The current limit of 1 million transactions or 200 million euros is nowhere near enough to su...

2024-07-04 05:56:17

Fireblocks的首席法律和合规官Jason Allegrante发文表示,欧盟的《加密资产市场监管条例》(MiCA)将于今年夏天实施,是加密行业的重要里程碑。虽然MiCA明智地将去中心化智能合约和NFT排除在外,但对稳定币(如USDT、USDC和BUSD)的发行和交易限制存在问题。当前限制为100万笔交易或2亿欧元,远不足以支持现有活动水平。全球稳定币总市值达1620亿美元,其中75%为...

2024-07-04 05:56:17