According to the X platform, CZ has cancelled the previous top tweets related to Mubarak and Inshallah.
According to the official announcement, Binance Wallet said that Binance Alpha acts as a pre-listing screening token pool, and once the project on Binance Alpha is listed in Binance Spot, it will no longer be displayed on Binance Alpha. Since the launch of the Binance Alpha platform, seven popular tokens have been listed in Binance Spot, including COOKIE, AIXBT, CGPT, Cheems, TST, SHELL, and GPS.
据官方公告,Binance Wallet 表示,Binance Alpha 作为上币前筛选代币池,一旦 Binance Alpha 上的项目在 Binance 现货上架,它将不再在 Binance Alpha 上展示。 自 Binance Alpha 平台推出以来,7 个热门代币已在 Binance 现货上市,包括 COOKIE、AIXBT、CGPT、Cheems、TST、SHELL、GPS。
Berachain 生态项目 Berally 官方表示,疑似遭遇黑客攻击。黑客通过泄露的部署密钥,成功将所有锁仓代币抛售并耗尽了流动性池。官方表示,去中心化应用合约仍然安全,未受此次攻击影响,但建议用户暂时撤销对去中心化应用和质押功能的授权。目前 Berally 团队正积极调查此事件,并承诺将尽快提供更多更新信息。
In a criticism of the Wall Street Journal on Truth Social, Mr. Trump said: "Don't know what the Wall Street Journal is doing or saying, their [Wall Street Journal] thinking is old and weak and very bad for America. But don't be afraid, we will win it all!!!"
Alliance DAO创始人兼核心贡献者Qiao Wang在X平台发文表示,ETH当前的超卖水平与2021年Terra崩溃、2018年深熊(价格跌至两位数)以及2016年DAO黑客攻击之后的水平差不多。在这样的超卖水平下,很难不想买入。
Slow Mist founder Cosine posted on social media that the poisoning of social workers targeting computers has broken out again in recent days, and three cases were followed up yesterday. Once again, I would like to remind people who think that using a Mac computer is safe by default that the reality is actually very bad. Remember not to install applications from unofficial sources indiscriminately, although official sources may also cause problems.
A new autonomous AI agent platform claims benchmark superiority over Deep Research, even as skeptics question its legitimacy.
On March 9, according to PRNewswire, Nasdaq-listed bitcoin miner CleanSpark announced on the X platform that it has been included in the S & P SmallCap 600 index, which is usually referred to as the "small cap index" and mainly reflects emerging trends and innovative forces in the economy. According to CleanSpark's latest financial report data, its current bitcoin holdings have reached 11,177, with mining output of 624 bitcoins in February and 1,250 bitcoins in fiscal year 2025.
3月9日消息,据PRNewswire报道,纳斯达克上市的比特币矿企CleanSpark在X平台宣布已被纳入标普SmallCap 600指数,标普SmallCap 600指数通常被指为“小型股指数”,主要反应经济中的新兴趋势和创新力量。 据CleanSpark公司最新财报数据显示,目前其比特币持仓已达到11177枚,2月挖矿产出为624枚比特币,2025财年内的挖矿产出为1250枚比特币。
On March 8th, Abstract core contributor Cygaar announced a major security improvement to Abstract Global Wallet, which aims to restrict session keys to a set of approved applications. Cygaar added that session keys must be properly implemented or they could pose a threat to user funds (similar to token approval), so it was decided to temporarily set access based on a whitelist model, although these changes do not guarantee 100% security or risk-free use of the wallet (which is not possible).
3月8日消息,Abstract核心贡献者cygaar在X平台发文宣布Abstract Global Wallet推出一项重大安全改进,拟将会话密钥(Session key)限制在一组经过批准的应用内使用。 cygaar补充,会话密钥必须正确实施,否则可能会对用户资金造成威胁(类似于代币批准),因此决定暂时基于白名单模式来设置访问权限,虽然这些变化并不能保证钱包100%安全或无风险使用(这是不可能的)...
Abstract core contributor cygaar announced a major security improvement to Abstract Global Wallet, restricting session keys to a set of approved apps. Cygaar said that session keys must be implemented correctly, otherwise they may pose a threat to user funds (similar to token approval), so it was decided to temporarily whitelist access rights. Although these changes do not guarantee 100% security or risk-free use of wallets (which is not possible), they will reduce the risk of exposure to malici...