
VanEck Registers Avalanche ETF in Delaware

On March 11, according to official registration documents, VanEck has officially registered the VanEck Avalanche ETF in Delaware on March 10.

2025-03-11 03:36:34
VanEck在特拉华州注册Avalanche ETF

3月11日消息,据官方注册文件显示,VanEck已于3月10日在特拉华州正式注册成立VanEck Avalanche ETF。

2025-03-11 03:36:34
Balancer V3 to expand to Avalanche after governance vote

The recently launched Balancer V3 is being extended to its latest blockchain deployment, Avalanche. The team says the deployment of Balancer V3 will enable "instant integration with Avalanche native lending protocols such as Aave and BENQI", which in turn will improve the earnings of Balancer liquidity providers and increase overall protocol liquidity. "TVL, Avalanche's native DeFi ecosystem, has grown nearly 2x in the last 7 months, driven by increased AMM and lending protocol liquidity." It is...

2025-03-10 19:55:06
Balancer V3在治理投票后将扩展到Avalanche

最近推出的 Balancer V3 正在扩展到其最新的区块链部署 Avalanche。 该团队表示,Balancer V3 的部署将实现“与 Avalanche 原生借贷协议(如 Aave 和 BENQI)的即时集成”,这反过来将提高 Balancer 流动性提供者的收益并增加整体协议流动性。“Avalanche 的原生 DeFi 生态系统 TVL 在过去 7 个月内增长了近 2 倍,这得益于 AMM 和借贷协议流动性的增加。” 据悉,与 Avalanche 的整合预计将...

2025-03-10 19:55:06
The former directors of the Avalanche Foundation have issued a statement confirming that all three directors have collectively resigned

On March 8, Omer (@demirelo), a former director of the Avalanche Foundation, released a statement on the X social platform, confirming that three directors, including Aytunça Yildizli and Vikram Nagrani, had officially resigned from the board of directors of the foundation and its subsidiaries earlier this week. The executive director, Aytunça Yildizli, ceased his duties on February 28, 2025, and the board has been sitting on the sidelines since then, trying to find a way forward. Omer said, "...

2025-03-08 05:09:52
Avalanche 基金会前任董事发声明确认三位董事已集体请辞

3月8日消息,Avalanche基金会前董事 Omer(@demirelo)在 X 社交平台发布声明称,确认包括Aytunç Yildizli、Vikram Nagrani在内的三位董事已于本周初正式辞去基金会及其下属公司的董事会职务。 其中执行董事Aytunç Yildizli已于2025年2月28日停止履行职责,此后董事会一直处于观望状态,试图找到前进的道路。 Omer 称,“我以及Aytunç Yildizli、Vik...

2025-03-08 05:09:52
Safe: Wallet service has been restored online on Avalanche, Blast and other networks

Safe has announced that its wallet service is back online on the Avalanche, Blast, Unichain, Sonic, XLayer, Aurora, Celo, Linea, and Berachain mainnets, as well as the Sepolia, BaseSepolia, and GnosisChidao test chains.

2025-03-06 10:30:56


2025-03-06 10:30:56
Indian town uses Avalanche blockchain to store 700,000 land records

According to Cointelegraph, the government of Dantewada District, Chhattisgarh State, India has put more than 700,000 land records on Avalanche to ensure transparency, prevent tampering, and streamline the land inquiry process. Implemented by Indian blockchain startup LegitDoc in partnership with the Dantewada District Land Records Office, archived government records such as land rights, title registries, cadastral maps can now be accessed and verified through blockchain. The government has set ...

2025-03-06 10:09:48

据Cointelegraph报道,印度Chhattisgarh邦Dantewada区政府已将超过70万份土地记录上链Avalanche,以确保透明度、防止篡改,并简化土地查询流程。该项目由印度区块链初创公司LegitDoc与Dantewada区土地记录办公室合作实施,存档的土地权利、所有权登记、地籍图等政府记录现可通过区块链访问和验证。 政府已在各分区设立自助查询终端,居民和官员可快速获取土地信息,并通过Avala...

2025-03-06 10:09:48


2025-03-04 03:20:36
The financing balance of the two cities decreased by 17.699 billion yuan

As of February 28, the financing balance of the Shanghai Stock Exchange was 960.907 billion yuan, a decrease of 7.001 billion yuan from the previous trading day; the financing balance of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange was 921.735 billion yuan, a decrease of 10.698 billion yuan from the previous trading day; the total of the two cities was 1.882642 trillion yuan, a decrease of 17.699 billion yuan from the previous trading day.

2025-03-03 00:48:42
链上合规解决方案提供商 Forte 收购 Sealance Corp

2月28日消息,链上合规解决方案提供商 Forte 已收购加密货币信任平台 Sealance Corp.,通过此次收购,Web3 开发人员可以利用 ZK 策略引擎和 Forte 的规则引擎进行合规的 KYC 验证,并管理跨现实世界资产 (RWA)、稳定币、DeFi 和机构用例的链上身份,同时通过 Sealance 的 ZK 技术进行隐私管理。 据悉,Sealance Corp 是首个零知识 (ZK) 策略引擎的创建者,旨在促进去中心化区块链的监管合规...

2025-02-28 04:18:47
The financing balance of the two cities increased by 11.813 billion yuan

As of February 24, the financing balance of the Shanghai Stock Exchange reported 960.817 billion yuan, an increase of 4.111 billion yuan from the previous trading day; the financing balance of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange reported 921.025 billion yuan, an increase of 7.702 billion yuan from the previous trading day; the total of the two cities was 1.881842 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.813 billion yuan from the previous trading day.

2025-02-25 00:47:04
Blockchain innovation studio Knidos Labs has announced that it has received funding from the Avalanche Foundation

Blockchain innovation studio Knidos Labs has announced that it has received an undisclosed amount of funding from the Avalanche Foundation to develop and launch its decentralized enhancement layer and build innovative and impactful financial instruments, while introducing Knidos Node-Fi, a trustless and transparent partial node ownership platform.

2025-02-20 16:39:57

7x24 快讯

10:44 2025-03-14
10:41 2025-03-14
“Hyperliquid 50x巨鲸”目前已累计持仓846,507.48枚LINK
据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,“Hyperliquid 50x巨鲸”的对手盘是此前报道过的“ETH高胜率波段巨鲸”,过去40分钟内,他在链上直接以均价13.98美元抛售了47万枚LINK,价值657万美元;期间又分两次以13.94美元从币安提出47万枚LINK,一来一回“搬砖”赚差价。此外,“Hyperliquid 50x巨鲸”的第二个500万枚USDC限价单也已成交,目前已累计持仓846,507.48枚LINK(约1204.5万美元),成本13.95美元...
10:38 2025-03-14
据@ai_9684xtpa 监测,ETH 高胜率波段鲸鱼在近 40 分钟内于链上抛售 47 万枚 LINK,累计套现 657 万美元。 此外,该地址还又分两次以 13.94 美元从 Binance 提出 47 万枚 LINK,以赚取差价。
10:29 2025-03-14
据英国媒体《天空新闻台》报道,英国警方和检察官表示,一名国家犯罪调查局(NCA)官员在调查网络有组织犯罪期间涉嫌盗窃近6万英镑的比特币,已被起诉。默西塞德郡警方发言人表示,42岁的Paul Chowles被指控与2017年涉嫌盗窃50枚比特币相关的15项罪名。八年前,这些加密货币的价值接近6万英镑,而现在的价值超过300万英镑。Chowles将于下月出庭利物浦地方法院。
10:13 2025-03-14
10:10 2025-03-14
3月14日消息,据巴西媒体《环球报》(O Globo)报道,巴西计划通过利用区块链技术来简化金砖国家(BRICS)成员国之间进出口合同的国际金融交易。这一议题将成为巴西轮值主席国任期内的优先事项之一。巴西的轮值主席国任期从2025年1月开始,为期一年。该提案与此前提出的创建金砖国家共同货币的设想...
09:55 2025-03-14
09:55 2025-03-14
据多位与会者称,在周二由比特币政策研究所主办的闭门圆桌会议上,总统数字资产工作组执行董事 Bo Hines 告诉与会者,白宫打算尽可能多地收购比特币。当房间里有人问美国政府最终可能会收购多少比特币时,Hines 开玩笑说,这个问题就像问一个人他们想要多少美元一样。 一位白宫官员证实,Hines 确实发表了关于尽可能多...
09:49 2025-03-14
CZ :华尔街日报和彭博社的文章对 BNB 价格有利,但它们包含太多错误的事实
币安创始人 CZ 在 X 发文称,"华尔街日报和彭博社的文章对 BNB 价格有利,但它们包含太多错误的事实。我们致力于长期建设!"
09:43 2025-03-14
美国众议员 Byron Donalds 计划提交立法草案,以将特朗普政府本月签署的行政命令正式立法,该命令旨在建立战略比特币储备和美国数字资产储备。该法案若通过,将确保该政策不会因未来总统的行政命令被撤销。 特朗普的行政命令要求财政部设立比特币储备,以持有约 20 万枚比特币,并授权财政部和商务部制定“预...
09:40 2025-03-14
据 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,Hyperliquid 50 倍杠杆巨鲸近期进行了以下操作: 1:归还此前从 Aave 借出的 11 万枚 LINK,未用于追加仓位。 2:提取 1108 枚 WETH 的保证金转入 CowSwap 开设限价单准备卖出。
09:31 2025-03-14
[Hyperliquid 50x巨鲸]通过Aave贷出11万枚LINK
据 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,[Hyperliquid 50x 巨鲸] 从 Aave 中抵押 WETH 借出了 11 万枚 LINK,价值 154 万美元,目前健康度 1.14。